Learn a few lessons of Lethwei, Myanmar Kick Boxing

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Learn a few lessons of Lethwei, Myanmar Kick Boxing

Learning a few lessons of Myanmar kick boxing could be fun, for the adventurers. It's called Lethwei, and very similar to Muay Thai, the Thai kick boxing with a few exceptions.


Thai boxing is one of the class of kickboxing practiced in Thailand, adapted over decades. Indochinese fighting, as some call it Khmer boxing, Burmese boxing are all related to all neighboring cultures. Most obvious thing you can see is that in Myanmar kickboxing matches, boxers do not wear boxing gloves. Otherwise called Burmese boxing, Lethwei is for all intents and purposes indistinguishable to old fashioned Muay Thai tenets. (On the off chance that you'd jump at the chance to take in more about Lethwei. While the vast majority of us know Muay Thai as a ring sport with boxing gloves and a judge's choice, conventional kard cheuk rules battles are battled with rope handwraps and no choices. Lethwei swaps rope handwraps for more present day gauze wraps, however stay indistinguishable to Muay Thai generally… aside from headbutts.

In truth, the distinction among Burmese and Thai boxers isn't so much the genuine method – their style of kicks, knees and elbows are indistinguishable – but instead their way to deal with battling. Uncovered knuckle implies punching to the head is dangerous, headbutts mean the secure amusement is changed emphatically, and no choices implies you'll for the most part observe not so much kicks but rather more punches.

It likewise implies most Lethwei battles decline into through and through fights. This is flawlessly fine from a diversion outlook, however as a rule you won't see a similar abnormal state of system and procedure that you get from a Muay Thai battle. All things considered, Lethwei isn't without its specialty. How about we meet a couple of the striking abilities from the Lethwei world. The historical backdrop of combative techniques is extremely hard to bind, as there is so much legend, fables and general romanticizing about those modest inceptions. It wasn't until moderately late in the improvement of progress that specific battling styles were named. Though most verifiable points have various sources that can be inspected, a great deal of combative techniques history is passed somewhere near informal. Since hand to hand fighting is such a specialty theme, reality turns out to be elusive.

It turns out to be considerably harder when attempting to discover the genuine history of Indochinese kickboxing, which is even more seasoned than present day hand to hand fighting, for example, judo, karate and taekwondo. Indochinese kickboxing is an umbrella term that incorporates a few diverse combative techniques so comparative they are for all intents and purposes a similar style. The most known about these styles are Muay Thai (the most acclaimed), Muay Laos, Tomoi, Pradal Serey and the point of the present article – Lethwei.



There are the 2 modern boxing gyms, where they have some English-speaking instructors and translators.

  1. Thut Ti Myanmar Lethwei Gym
    893,Wontha Rekkita Steeet, Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Yangon
    Tel: 09 255 863 344 
  2. Phoenix Myanmar Boxing Club
    Thein Phyu Stadium,Thein Phyu Road, Yangon
    Tel: 09 964 400215

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