Take a private Helicopter Tour

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Take a private Helicopter Tour - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

Imagine renting a helicopter and tour Myanmar from a sky view. There are helicopter flights that can be arranged to vist Bagan, Mandalay, and Kyaikhtiyo (the Golden Rock).

The service provider is Air Myanmar Aviation Services (AMAS), one of the primary private sanction helicopter benefits in Myanmar to offer touring visits. Working an extravagance benefit with security and effectiveness, AMAS flights are maintained by experienced avionics experts prepared and ensured in Malaysia and Europe. Their as of late extended rundown of goals presently incorporates Bagan, Mandalay and Kyaikhtiyo (Golden Rock).


To book for private helicopter flights or price inquiries, please contact:

Air Myanmar Aviation Services
No. (41-A), Shwe Taung Gyar Street, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Ph: +951 510550
Fax: +951 510550

Condo (C-6), 6 Storey Building, 2nd Floor, Mindama Condo Housing, Mindama Rd, Mayangons Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Ph: +951 9669842 , +959 5195242
Fax: +951 9669842

Contact Person - Ms. Ashley

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Myanmar Pharmaceutical & Medical Equipment Entrepreneurs' Association

UMFCCI Office Tower (Level - 6)
No.29. Min Ye' Kyaw Swar Street.
Lanmadaw Township. Yangon.
Tel: (+95-1) 214834. 216205
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Contact: +95 1 504306. +95 9 5049383
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