Tourist Information on Myanmar (Burma)

We brought you tourist reviews+ratings of Myanmar tour operators, hotels, myanmar air lines, myanmar cruises, and all sorts of travel-related companies here. Enjoy the useful information, and also please do participate in rating, commenting, and sharing reviews. We say.. sharing the information you knew is a donation of knowledge. We are all interdependent on each other. To all tourists, we humbly urge you to give ratings and share the information you know.


We wish suggested activity guide for tourists to Myanmar are many more than we have now.. We are trying to come up with more suggestions, recommendations, and travel logs. Explore what activities you can experience here in Myanmar.

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Police: 199
Tourist Police (Tourist Safety Unit): 01-376166. 642742. 549209
Myanmar Entry Visa
Tourist visa
A valid Passport with Entry Visa is required of all visitors. A Tourist Visa allows a stay of 28 days, extendible for an additional 14 days.
Overland entry is permitted for Thai tourists with border pass and for third party tourists with visa at Tachileik, Three Pagoda Pass, Myawaddy and Kawthaung check points along Myanmar-Thai Border; and for Chinese tourists with border pass and for third party tourists with visa at Lweje, Nam Kham, Muse , Kyukoke, Kwanlong, Mont Lar along Myanmar-China Border.
Embassy Of The Union Of Myanmar

22 Arkana Street. Yarralumla.
Act 2600. Canberra 
Tel : (61-2) 6273 3811 
61-2)6273 3751 
Fax : (61-2) 62734357 
If this is your first time to visit Myanmar. here are some of the important tips for a traveller.

Best time to Visit
You can visit Myanmar all the year round but the best time to come is between October and February as the weather during this period is neither too hot nor wet.  
There could be many reasons. But for a typical modern crowd. we have listed a few.   
If you have an hour for a video tour all around the country. here is a good presentation for you.
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Yangon International Airport (formerly known as Mingalardon Airport) and Mandalay International Airport are the main International Airports in Myanmar.There are daily flights to Yangon from neighbouring countries. There are four domestic airlines and one international airlines in Myanmar.Here are some of the airlines passing through Myanmar.
5 Reasons to visit Myanmar
Are you a fan of Cathay Pacific like me? 
Please note that the narration is in Myanmar language. Subtitles are in English. Myanmar Actor "Lwin Moe Travelling" (လွင်မိုး ခရီးသွားနေသည်) travel log video is a popular TV series presented in Myanmar, on his tours in mostly Chin State. We will try to bring you English caption sometimes in future.

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