
(formerly Rangoon)

Age: 2500 years
Area: 576 km²
Population: 4,082,000
Location: Latitude: 16°48' N, 96°9' E
Temperature: Min 16 'C - Max 34 'C

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Chan Myae Yeik Thar Meditation Center
info Chanmyae Yeik Thar (ချမ်းမြေ့ရိပ်သာ) functions mainly as a meditation center but it is also a monastery with resident monks who are the teachers of meditation.
Swe Taw Myat Pagoda
info The Sacred Replica Tooth Relic was enshrined in the Swe Taw Myat Pagoda (စွယ်တော်မြတ်စေတီတော်) on Dhammapala Hillock in Mayangone Township, Yangon.
Gems Museum
Photo Credit-www.tripadvisor.co.uk
info The Myanma Gems Museum and Gems Mart (မြန်မာ့ ကျောက်မျက်ရတနာ ပြခန်းနှင့် အရောင်းခန်းမ) is a four-storey building is situated at No.66, Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Mayangon Township and very close to the Kaba Aye Pagoda.
Yangon General Hospital
info The Yangon General Hospital (ရန်ကုန် ပြည်သူ့ ဆေးရုံကြီ) was first established in 1899 with a capacity of 342 beds as Rangoon General Hospital.
Kyauktawgyi Pagoda
info Kyauktawgyi Pagoda (ကျောက်တော်ကြီးဘုရား) houses one of the biggest marble Buddha Images in Myanmar with a height of 37ft (11m), a width of 24ft (7m) and a weight of over 600 tonnes.
Martyrs' Mausoleum
info The Martyrs' Mausoleum (အာဇာနည်ဗိမာန်) is a memorable place of Myanmar National Leaders. 
Independence Monument
info The Independence Monument (လွတ်လပ်ရေးကျောက်တိုင်) is located in the Maha Bandula Park facing the Yangon City Hall, and surrounded by two concentric circles of lion statues.
Chauk Htat Gyi Buddha Image
info One of Myanmar’s more revered reclining Buddhas. It is housed in a large metal-roofed shed and is located at a short distance, north east of the Shwedagon Pagoda.
Secretariat Building or Ministers' Building
info The Ministers' Building (the Ministers' Office); formerly The Secretariat or Secretariat Building (ဝန်ကြီးများရုံး) occupies an entire city block, bounded by Anawrahta Road to the north, Theinbyu Road to the east, Maha Bandoola Road to the south and Bo Aung Kyaw Street to the west in downtown Yangon.
Kyaikkalei Pagoda
info The ancient Kyaikkalei Pagoda (ကျိုက္ကလဲ့ စေတီ) stands on the left side of the highway running from Yangon to Bago in Mingaladon Township, Yangon.
Myanmar Amber Museum
Photo Credit - www.myanmarambermuseum.org
Shopping in Yangon
The main tourist destination in Yangon is the Bogyoke Market, where most of the Myanmmar made souvenirs are available.
Bogyoke Aung San Park
info Bogyoke Aung San Park is popularly known as Bogyoke Park (ဗိုလ်ချုပ်ပန်းခြံ), which is a small charming park located on the north side of the Kandawgyi Lake (ကန်တော်ကြီး) surrounded by lush green trees.
Kyaik Hmaw Wun Pagoda (or also known as Kyauktan Yele Pagoda)
Yangon City Tour video in 10 Minutes, by Travel Asia, will give you a brief presentation of Myanmar's commercial capital, Yangon.
Yangon City Hall
info Centrally located in downtown Yangon. The Yangon City Hall (ရန်ကုန်မြို့တော်ခန်းမ) building is considered to be a fine example of Myanmar architecture.
History of Yangon The history of Yangon is intertwined with the history of the Shwedagon Pagoda.
Important Telephone Numbers (Yangon)
Telephone Area Code : 01
Pan Hlaing Golf Club
info Pan Hlaing Golf Club (ပန်းလှိုင်ဂေါက်ကွင်း) is a newly established golf club located at a beautiful junction between Hlaing and Pan Hlaing Rivers.
National Museum
The Bronze statue of King Bayinnaung (The founder of the First Kingdom of Myanmar, in front of the National Museum)
Koe Htat Gyi Pagoda
info Koe Htat Gyi Pagoda (ကိုးထပ်ကြီးဘုရား) meaning the Nine Storey Buddha Image, is situated on the Bargayar Road, Sanchaung Township, Yangon.
Thanlyin: Across the river and a world away from Yangon
National Health Museum
info The National Health Museum is quite a small museum, educating children and the general public for health knowledge.
National Races Village
info National Races Village (ပြည်ထောင်စုတိုင်းရင်းသားကျေးရွာ) was constructed by Ministry of Border Affairs, situated in Tharketa Township, on the left side of Yangon-Thanlyin Bridge.
Rander House
info Rander House is unusual for its simple American Classical style, reminiscent of downtown Chicago.
Kyaikkalo Pagoda
info The Kyaikkalo Pagoda (ကျိုက္ကလို့ ဘုရား) was built using laterite bricks with Mon architectural design which can be seen by looking at the octagonal base structure of the pagoda.
St. Mary’s Cathedral
info St. Mary’s Cathedral (စိန့်မယ်ရီဘုရားကျောင်း) is situated on a 15 acres of land on Bo Aung Kyaw Street in Botahtaung Township, Yangon.
The Tejoomal Building
This delightful building was once the magical setting of the so-called Old Curiosity Shop of the East, an emporium of oriental curios stocked with silverware, silks, carpets, carvings, and exotic souvenirs from across Asia.
The story of Shin Mwaynun and Min Nandar
Once upon a time there was a kingdom called Syriam on the site of present-day Thanlyin, just across the river from Yangon. The queen of this kingdom died while she was pregnant and her baby girl was delivered just before the queen’s funeral pyre was lit at the cemetery on the bank of the river.
Shwe Dagon Pagoda
Photo Credit - www.pinterest.com
info In the capital city of Yangon, you will can see the magnificent fabulous Shwedagon Pagoda (ရွှေတိဂုံဘုရား) from almost anywhere.
Nagar Glass Factory
Photo Credit -  Tanja Van De Linde

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