Myanmar Destination Guide

NOTICE TO ALL TRAVELERS: Myanmar has suspended all commercial flights due to Covid-19 pandemic and instable political situations. Please contact your country's representatives in your embassy in Yangon, for latest information.

Once the golden land Suvanabhummi, and later the forgotten land. Myanmar now is opened up to the world again under the leadership of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, as one of the youngest democratic states in the world. Myanmar fights for and supports for human rights, while illegal migration and terrorist problems has to be under control at the same time. Ethnic minority tribes are often under attack by terrorists immigrants.


Myanmar Travel Guide

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Kayah State

info Mateku Falls and Lawpita Falls on Balu Chaung are scenic beauties of Kayah State. which has a generally hilly topography. It is located between 18o 29'N and 19o 58'N latitudes. 96o 50'E and 97o 52'E longitudes. bordering Thailand on the east. Shan State on the north. and Karen State on the west and south.  Kayah State

Mandalay Region

info Mandalay Region falls in the Dry Zone of Central Mandalay bordering Bago Region on the south, Magway Region on the west, Sagaing Region on the north and Shan State on the east. Its area is 14,295 square miles and its capital is Mandalay City.    

Yangon Region

Yangon Region
Yangon Region (ရန်ကုန်တိုင်းဒေသကြီး) has the main port Yangon. The City lies where 16o 19'N latitude intersects 96o 52'E longitude. Yangon Region is located at the eastern extremity of the Ayeyarwaddy Delta area with Andaman Sea on the south-east, Bago Region on the north and Ayeyarwaddy Region on the west.

Ayeyarwaddy Region

Ayeyarwaddy Region
info Ayeyarwaddy Region covers the deltaic coast of the Ayeyarwaddy River. on the northwest and west of this division are the Bay of Bengal and Rakhine State. on the north and east is Bago Division. on the east is the Yangon Division. and on the south is the Andaman Sea. 

Bago Region

info Bago Region is located between Mandalay Region and Magwe Region in the north. Rakhine State and Ayeyarwaddy Region in the west. Yangon Region in the south. Kayin State and Mon State on the east. Its area is 15.214 square miles and its Capital is Bago City.  
Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Myanmar

Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Myanmar

Here are top 10 tourist Attractions in Myanmar, although this may vary due to different presenters.

Magway Region

info Magway Region falls in the Dry Zone of Central Myanmar. bordering Mandalay Region on the east. Sagaing Region on the north. Chin State and Rakhine State on the west and Bago Region on the south. Its area is 17.305 square miles and its Capital is Magway City.  

Tanintharyi Region

Tanintharyi Region
info Tanintharyi Region lies at the southern end of Myanmar. The Region has common borders with Thailand on the east and south-east. Mon State on the north. and Andaman Sea on the west. The area of the Region is 16.735 square miles. Out of about 1.000 islands along Myanmar's coastline over 800 are in Tanintharyi coast.

Chin State

info Chin State is located in the north-west of Myanmar between 20o 40 'N and 24o 06'N latitudes and 92o 37'E and 94o 09'E longitudes. To the north and east of Chin State is Sagaing Division. to the south are Magway Division and Rakhine State. to the west are Bangladesh and India.  

Mon State

info Mon State is located between 14o 52'N and 17o 44'N latitudes and 96o 53'E and 98o 13'E longitudes bounded on the north by Bago Division. on the east Kayin State. on the south by Tanintharyi Division and on the west by the Gulf of Martaban.

Rakhine State

info Rakhine State is located between 17o 21'N and 21o 24 'N latitudes and 92o 10 'E and 94o 54 'E longitudes bordering Bangladesh on the north-west. Chin State on the north. Magway Division. Bago Division and Ayeyarwaddy Division on the east and the Bay of Bengal on the west and south. Rakhine State


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info Naypyitaw is the administrative capital of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Centrally lovated. it is 391 km from Yangon and 302 km from Mandalay. being easily accessible from all parts of the country.

Shan State

info Shan State is located in the Middle Eastern part of Myanmar between 19o 17'N and 24o 13'N latitudes and 96o 10'E and 101o 11'E longitudes. It is bounded on the northeast by the People's Republic of China. on the southeast and south by Laos and Thailand. on the north by Kachin State. Sagaing and Karen State on the south.  

Kachin State

info Kachin State is the land of mountain ranges where the May Hka and the Mali Hka rivers are born. It is located in the north and north-east of Myanmar between 23o 38'N and 28o 31'N latitudes and 95o 48'E and 98o 47'E longitudes.  

Sagaing Region

info Sagaing Region is situated in the north-west of Myanmar between Chin State on the west. Kachin State on the north-east. Shan State on the east and Magway Region and Mandalay Region on the south. With an area of 36.535 square miles. Sagaing Region is the largest among all Region. The Capital of Sagaing Region is Sagaing.     

Kayin State

info Kayin State lies between 15o 12'N and 19o 28'N latitudes and 96o 23'E and 98o 56'E longitudes on the east of Myanmar. It has common borders with Mandalay Division and Shan State on the north. Kayah State and Thailand on the east. Mon State and Bago Division on the west. Its area is 11.731 square miles.  

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