Kayah State

info Mateku Falls and Lawpita Falls on Balu Chaung are scenic beauties of Kayah State. which has a generally hilly topography. It is located between 18o 29'N and 19o 58'N latitudes. 96o 50'E and 97o 52'E longitudes. bordering Thailand on the east. Shan State on the north. and Karen State on the west and south. Kayah State
The Lawpita Hydroelectric Power Plant is the main power supply station throughout the country.
monetization_on No entry fees
watch_later Operation hours: 24 hours
hourglass_full Time needed: Approximately 3 hour
Area & population
Kayah State has an area of 4.530 square miles with a population of 168.355 in six Township and 106 Wards and Village-Tracts. The State. whose capital is Loikaw. celebrates its State Day on 15th January. It is inhabited by Kayahs. Gekos. Gebas. Padaungs (or) Kayans. Bres. Manu-Manaus. Yindales. Yinbaws. Bwe. Paku. Shans and Paos.
The principal agricultural crop is paddy. though ground-nut. maize. cotton. soya bean. sugar-cane. wheat and butter bean are also grown. The mainstays of agricultural are the Ngwedaung Dam and Mobye Dam.
The Forest Reserves of Kayah State produce such valuable woods as teak. pyinkado. ingyin. padauk. thitkado. thitya. pyinma. pine and yingat.
Antimony. pure silver. tin. tungsten and wolfram are found in Kayah State. Well known industries are Mawchi Mines. Lawpita Hydro-electric Power Station and Marbel Works. The State also boasts of beautiful natural sceneries. idyllic lakes and wonderful natural carves.
A Kayah Couple
Map of Kayah State
build Year established: n.a.
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place Kayah State
local_phone n.a.
email no email
public no web site
local_taxi Estimated taxi fare: n.a.
directions_bus Bus directions: n.a.
directions_railway Train directions: n.a.
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