Bago Region

info Bago Region is located between Mandalay Region and Magwe Region in the north. Rakhine State and Ayeyarwaddy Region in the west. Yangon Region in the south. Kayin State and Mon State on the east. Its area is 15.214 square miles and its Capital is Bago City.
monetization_on No entry fees
watch_later Operation hours: 24 hours
hourglass_full Time needed: Approximately 2 hour
Area & population
Kayins. Myanmars. and Mons live in the in the 28 Townships and 1.624 Wards and Village-Tracts of Bago Region. The population is about 3.800.240. Bago Region is the major rice producing area in Myanmar. Its main occupation is agriculture. growing paddy. sesame. groundnut. pulses. jute. rubber. tobacco and sugarcane.
Bago Region's forests produce valuable woods such as teak. pyinkado. ingyin and the plywood mill in Swa produces high standard plywoods.
Zeyawaddy Sugar Mill. No. 3 Heavy Industries Corporation Mill at Sinde of Ministry of Industry (2). Textile Mill at Shwe Daung. Jute Baling Mills at Taungoo. Pyay and Tharyarwaddy. Ceramics Factory at Tharyarwaddy are well known factories. The North Nawin Dam on Nawin Chaung in Pyay Township is the biggest dam in Myanmar.
Nearby attractions
Bago Region is an economically strategic region with a network of motor roads and railways. Bago Shwemawdaw Pagoda is one of the most famous reclining Buddha image in Myanmar. The Kanbawza Thardi Royal Palace of Bago Dynasty is not far from Yangon to visit. It has been built as the old royal palace of the ancient times. There are Bago forest camp in the Bago forest. Pyay and Taungoo are nearby places to visit in Bago State. Ruins of the ancient Pyu kingdom is found around 8 km to the east of Pyay in the village of Hmaw Za. The ancient site is known as Thayekhittaya or Sri Ksetra. Ruins can be seen scattering in the area. and there is a small museum.
A Myanmar Couple
Map of Bago Region
build Year established: n.a.
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place Bago Region
local_phone n.a.
email no email
public no web site
local_taxi Estimated taxi fare: n.a.
directions_bus Bus directions: n.a.
directions_railway Train directions: n.a.
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