About Myanmar Net

About Myanmar Net | မြန်မာနက် ®

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About Myanmar Net | မြန်မာနက် ® - 4.5 out of 5 based on 10 votes

Unlimited basic internet e-commerce services for FREE!

Unlimited basic internet e-commerce services for FREE!

Myanmar Net (မြန်မာနက်) is award-winning tech company, providing various internet services since 1998, before internet was available in Myanmar. We are the largest e-commerce solution provider in Myanmar, managing nearly 2000 domains, for clients in 31 countries. Myanmar Net ( မြန်မာနက် ) and Myanmar's Net are the trademarks, officially owned and registered by us for IT product and services since 1998. Outstanding work of we Myanmar Net was featured in The New York Times, CNN, BBC, Washington Post, and The Nation (Thailand). Locally in Myanmar, we were featured in many leading news media, such as Myanmar Times, Living Colour, Weekly Eleven, Internet Journal, 7 Day Journal, Pyi Myanmar Journal, Net Guide Journal, CEO business magazine, Kumudra Journal, Tech Digest, and many others.

WARNING: Unauthorized use of this trademark is strictly prohibited.


Myanmar Net Media group consists of the following business divisions:

⦿ Win Myanmar Systems, since Mar 1992
⦿ Myanmars Net Software Co Ltd, since Oct 1998
⦿ Myanmar Travel Information Media, since Dec 2004
⦿ Web Design Development Co Ltd, Oct 2006
⦿ Ad Mar Digital Marketing, since Oct 2013
⦿ Myanmar Net Media Group, since Jul 2000
⦿ PyinNyarYa Education Portal, since Jul 2019 

Myanmar Net Media historical milestones and timeline







Myanmars Net Software Co Ltd

official web site:


We, the people, of Myanmar's Net, are the internet-engineers, web designers and e-marketers, who are serving thousands of e-business entrepreneurs in 31 countries. Our valued clients varies... from movie directors in Hollywood to airlines, banks, tour operators in Myanmar, car dealers in Japan, and clinics in Australia. 

Millions of products are at your finger-tips. You can buy books on Amazon or high-end fashion products that nobody sells in Myanmar. We welcome vendors too, who want to sell and export. 






Win Myanmar Systems

Official web site:


Actually, we are much more than an award-winning tech company. We are a game-changer.  With the availability of various beautiful typefaces, Win Myanmar Systems became the de facto standard and the number 1 software company in Myanmar with the largest number of users, since all computers in Myanmar needed Myanmar fonts to be able to use on their computers. This small pieace of software that changed the cyber-culture of Myanmar, and so many lives and businesses and beyond. 





Myanmar Travel Information Media

main web site:


Our travel industry division operates 1 tourism portals and  3 hotel portals. 

Myanmartravelinformation.com is 1 of the country's most prominent web portals, selling and promoting travel agencies, tour operators, hotels, airlines, and river cruises.





As a Google cloud partner, Web Design Development Co Ltd is our international outsoucing division, for various IT services.  

Web Design Development Co Ltd

official web site:


Our company motto is... Web development is our specialty. Web Design Development Co Ltd is our international outsoucing division, for various IT services. Types and locality of our international clients varies from dental clinics in Australia in the far East to movie directors in Hollywood in the far west part of the globe. We are a hornered also to be proud partner of Google for all these years. 




 Ad Mar Digital is a digital marketing division of Myanmar Net Media Group.

Ad Mar Digital Marketing 

official web site:


Ad Words and Ad Sense are digital marketing products by Google Inc. Similaly Ad Mar Digital operates AdvertisingMyanmar.com. Ad Mar Digital consists of 2 divisions:

  1. Ad Mar Ad Store is the only advertisign store where various advertising products cab be bought and ordered. Online Advertising: Google AdWords, Facebook ads, local banner ads are all available. Call our ad sales representatives at 09 979 300 900.  Off-Line Advertising: You can easily buy ad space in a print media, whom we are representing as a reseller. Click for details. 

  2. Ad Mar Digital is the digital marketing division, where a team of internationally certified ad experts perform your advertising services.. such as YouTube, Facebook, and Google ads.





မြန်မာ.net aka. shwe.net  is a community portal serving the Myanmar people.

Myanmar Net Media Group

official web site:

http://မြန်မာ.net - https://shwe.net [မြန်မာနက်]

Online Advertising Google AdWords, Facebook ads, local banner ads are all available. Call our ad sales representatives at 09 506 2841 09 506 2482 Learn More Off-Line Advertising You can easily buy ad space in a print media, whom we are representing as a reseller. Click for details. 



Myanmar Net Mobile App aka Shwe Net

Myanmar Net Mobile App 

Largest number of internet users in Myanmar use some kind of moblile app. Keep the power of internet in your pocket by installing Myanmar Net mobile app for FREE! All basic internet e-commerce services are free for every one. Click the link below to download:




PyinNyarYa Education Portal 

ပညာရ Education Portal

official web site: 

PyinNyarYa Education Portal is going under reforms due to official curriculum changes in the Myanmar high school system. Please come back for here for more details.




Myanmar Net Trademark Caution

အောက်ပါ ကုန်အမှတ်တံဆိပ်များသည် Myanmars Net Software Co Ltd ၏ ၁၉၉၈ ကတည်းက ယနေ့ထက်ထိ အသုံးပြုလျက် ရှိသော ကုန်အမှတ်တံဆိပ်များ ဖြစ်သည်။

Myanmar Net trademark caution


Digital Trademark international registration (Domain Registration)

  • www.myanmars.net was internationally registered on 30-10-1998.
    For more info, pls see https://www.whois.com/whois/myanmars.net

  • www.မြန်မာ.net / မြန်မာနက် / Myanmar Net  was internationally registered on 18-5-2012. 
    For more info, pls see https://www.whois.com/whois/မြန်မာ.net
  • www.shwe.net  was internationally registered on 6-6-2000.  
    For more info, pls see https://www.whois.com/whois/shwe.net


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We have to start with definition of what is e-commerce? (Note: will be updated soon)

eBusinesses Listing

Max Square Enterprise

Max Square Enterprise Co., Ltd. is one of the pioneers in the General Trading and Shipping industry in the Myanmar, founded in the 2011. One of its businesses is the Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Service.

For more than 5 Years, the company has maintained its diligent pool of crews to cater to its clients’ high-standard requirements.

No.208, 5th floor, Bogyoke Aung San Rd, Botataung Tsp.
Office Phone: +95 – 1 – 392836, +95-9-73190429, +95-9-260711019
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
QQ: 952773726
Website: www.maxsquaremyanmarcrew.com


MIDA is a Yangon-based non-profit organization. Its membership is made up private companies from various sectors of the economy. The association serves as a bridge between Myanmar enterprises and international companies. It aims to expose local companies to the world and facilitate foreign direct investment in the country.

Address: Unit 3 . 3rd Floor. Co-operative Business Centre. Corner of New University Avenue & Saya San Road. Bahan Township 11201. Yangon. Myanmar.
Phone: +95-1-401480 ~3 . Ext.3001
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.myanmarida.com

© Copyright 1998-2021 Myanmar Net Media and Myanmars Net Software Co Ltd. All rights reserved.
