Tourist Info

Myanmar Visa

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Myanmar Entry Visa
Tourist visa
A valid Passport with Entry Visa is required of all visitors. A Tourist Visa allows a stay of 28 days, extendible for an additional 14 days.
Overland entry is permitted for Thai tourists with border pass and for third party tourists with visa at Tachileik, Three Pagoda Pass, Myawaddy and Kawthaung check points along Myanmar-Thai Border; and for Chinese tourists with border pass and for third party tourists with visa at Lweje, Nam Kham, Muse , Kyukoke, Kwanlong, Mont Lar along Myanmar-China Border.

Business Visa
A valid passport with Entry visa is required for all businessmen, applicable at Myanmar Embassies and Consulate General Offices abroad. A Business Visa allows a stay of 28 days, extendible up to 12 months on a case-by-case basis. Visa on Arrival is granted on prior arrangement with the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism.

Visa On Arrival
Visa on Arrival will be suspended at the Yangon and Mandalay International Airports starting from 1st September, 2010 till further notice.The Visa on Arrival rules is (temporarily) back to the previous where tourist visa have to be applied before arrival.But Visa on arrival is still available to request through a travel agency.It is necessary to send your photo by email, fax or by post.To apply for visa on arrival, the information of the clients as follows is necessary:- full names
- fathers name
- nationality
- religion
- profession
- current address of your employment
- if retired then former address of your employment
- your address
- date of birth
- passport number
- date of issue
- validity
- arrival and departure day/time
- international flight numbers
- 1 passport picture (scan the picture and send)
- Copy of passport - scannedNormally it take a week or less – but – in worst case it can take up to 3 weeks to get the approval, as all applications have to be send to Nay Pyi Taw (the new capital).You have to show the copy at the check-in counter for your flight to Yangon and also upon arrival at Yangon International Airport.Please bring also 2 passport pictures each with you. The Immigration at Yangon International Airport will issue the visa for you.

How to Apply Visa for entering Myanmar
Please see
Visa Extension
Fill in the Extension form.

If you are sure you will be need Visa Extension before you arrive, you can give us the form, your original passport and 2 photos and USD 50 for 2 weeks extension.

If you are not sure, print out this form and call us at 204020 when you are in Yangon. We will collect Recommendation for your hotel the form, passport, 2 photos and 50 USD for 2 weeks extension.

For Visa 1st one must obtain a letter of endorsement from Ministry of Hotel & Tourism and then submit to Ministry of Immigration. It will take at least 2 days and max 5 days to get Tourist Visa extended.

If you home any Further Question Please refer to our FAQ section or send us an e-mail.

For further information, you can also visit

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Union of Myanmar Travel Association


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eBusinesses Listing

Myanmar Fire Protection (2)


Head Office

Myanmar Thiha Co..Ltd.
No.508(A). Lower Kyee Myin Daing Road. Kayinamyothar Ward. Kyee Myin Daing Township. Yangon.
Phone : 95-1-2315289. 2315954. 95-9-31136248. 95-9-5028913
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website :

Yangon Branch

Kyee Myin Daing Branch - 95-9-73100890. 95-9-73100891
North Okkalapa Branch - 95-9-73154670. 95-9-425308167
9 Miles Branch - 95-1-656923. 95-1-656796
Insein Branch (Pauk Taw Wa) - 95-1-643758. 95-9-73126057

Mandalay Branch

Corner of 78 Road & 42 Street. Near No.(11) Police Station. Yangon Mandalay Highway Road. Chan Mya Thar Si Township. Mandalay.
Phone : 95-2-33004. 95-9-6500413
Fax : 95-2-33004

Naypyidaw Branch

No.(65-A/B). Paung Laung Ward (2). Pobbathiri Township. Yangon Mandalay Highway Road (Old Road). Naypyidaw. Pyinmanar.
Phone : 95-67-25667. 95-9-49208880. 95-9-73042127
Fax : 95-67-25667


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