Biking Tours Myanmar

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Biking Tours

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Apart from the busy urban streets of Yangon and some areas of Mandalay where traffic congestion usually occur, Myanmar is a great place to have an outdoor cycling adventure.

If you ever wanted to rent a bike, you will eventually come across bike rental places with the rates from 2,000 MMK to 5,000 MMK in some popular tourist areas. Bikes from places like those won't be in the top notch condition or quality. However, if you want to rent a good quality bike with full equipment, you can either ask your travel agent as they might have them or they might be able to find one for you, or if you stay in an expensive hotel / resort, there's a chance that they might have it.

As for the popular destinations for cycling, here are a few:

  • Bagan
  • Pyin Oo Lwin
  • Hsipaw
  • Kalaw
  • Nyaung Shwe
  • Inle Lake
  • Dhala
  • Twante
  • Monywa
  • Mandalay
  • Inwa
  • Amarapura


Some of the trusted tour operators are:

  • LM Travel Myanmar:
  • Uncharted Horizons Myanmar:
  • Grasshopper Adventures:
  • Polestar Travel:
  • Myanmar Adventure Outfitters:
  • Ayuda Myanmar Travel Tour Agency:
  • Bike World Explores Myanmar:
  • EXO Travel:


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eBusinesses Listing

Fukken Company


No.(131). Pin Lon (3rd) Street. (27/4) Ward. Shwe Pin Lon Real Estate. North Dagon Township. Yangon Region. Myanmar.
Tel : 951-8010896
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Hexagon Instrumentation Engineering Ltd.

Block - 14. Room - 02. Wireless (3) Street. (9) Quarter. Kabaraye Housing Complex. Mayangone Township. Yangon. Myanmar.

Tel : (+95-1) 661134. 661643. (+95-9) 5013430

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