Find Peace, Meditate in Myanmar

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Meditation Center

There are many meditation centres in Myanmar, practicing healthful mind for people of the world.

Although theses centers may differ in their practices, all of them lead to peacefulness and the way to Nirvana. Here are some of the Meditation centers in Myanmar:

  • Chanmyay Yeiktha
  • Mahasi Sassana Yeiktha
  • Dhamma Joti
  • Mogok Vipassana
  • Panditarama
  • Saddhammaransi
  • Nyaunggan Aye


"Everybody in the world wants to live in peace and happiness. This is the reason why people are seeking the true path which leads them to the cessation of suffering. The Lord Buddha discovered it and taught us the path over 2500 years ago."


Chanmyay Yeiktha (meaning 'Peaceful Hermitage') is a Buddhist meditation centre where the teachers are senior Buddhist monks who teach mainly Vipassana meditation in Myanmar and English languages.

Anyone who takes keen interest in mental development can practise meditation here. regardless of sex. race. nationality and religion.

Contact Address
Abbot: Chanmyay Sayadaw
(Ashin Janakabhivamsa)

Chanmyay Yeiktha Meditation Centre
55a Kaba Aye Pagoda Road
Yangon 11061 Myanmar (Burma)
Tel: 95 (1) 661479
Fax: 95 (1) 667050

Chanmyay Yeiktha. Hmawbi
Telephone: 95 (1) 620321

Chanmyay Yeiktha. Hinthada
President: phone: (044) 21465


Mahasi Sassana Yeiktha
Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organization was founded in 1947 in Burma (now Myanmar) with the object of propagating the Buddha Sasana (i.e. Teaching of the Buddha) through scriptural learning and practice of Vipassana (Insight) meditation. None-profit in character. it operates the Mahasi Meditation Center with subscriptions from its members and voluntary donations (Dana) from devout Buddhists throughout the country.

This meditation center was opened two years after the establishment of the above Organization. with the most Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw as its Principal Preceptor. It is located on approximately twenty acres of quiet pleasant garden land in Hermitage (now Sasana-yeiktha) Road. Bahan Township of Rangoon (now Yangon. off Kaba Aye Pagoda Road). There are over one hundred buildings on the grounds for housing the meditation teachers and Yogis (meditation trainees) both Bhikkhus and laity. men as well as women and providing complete retreat facilities.

Contact Address
Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organization
16 Sasana Yeiktha Road
Yangon. Myanmar
Tel: 50392 / 52501
Cable: Mahasi Yangon


Dhamma Joti
Dhamma Joti (Light of Dhamma) is situated in Wingabar Yele Monastery Compound. Nga Htat Gyi Pagoda Road. Bahan. Yangon. It is about fifteen minutes walk away from the eastern entrance of the famous Shwedagon Pagoda. There are also Nga Htat Gyi Pagoda (with a 50 feet high sitting Buddha statute) and Chauk Htat Gyi Pagoda (a large reclining Buddha statue) near the Centre.

Introduction to Vipassana Meditation

Vipassana means "to see things as they really are". It is a process of self-purification by self-observation. While taught by the Buddha in India 2500 years ago. it is not connected with Buddhism or any other religion and can be practised by anyone without conflict with existing religious beliefs or absence of beliefs. For those who are not familiar with Vipassana Meditation we recommend visiting the International Vipassana Website for an introduction.

Contact Address
Vipassana Meditation Centre. Dhamma Joti
Nga Htat Gyi Pagoda Rd
Bahan Township. Yangon
Tel: 95 (1) 549290
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Mogok Vipassana Yeiktha
Founded by Mogok Sayadaw U Vimala.

Contact Address
82 Natmauk Road.
Bahan Township.
Yangon. Myanmar


Panditarama (Shwe-taung-gon Sasana-yeiktha)
Contact Address
80-A. Than Lwin Road. Shwe-gon-dine P.O.
Bahan. Yangon. Myanmar (Burma)
Tel: 95 (1) 535448. 705525


Forest Meditation Centre (Hse Main Gon)
(00951) 247211
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Saddhammaransi Meditation Centre
Abbot : Saddhammaransi Sayadaw
Ashin Kundalabhivamsa
Mahasi Nayaka (Agga Maha Kammatthanacariya)

Contact Address
No.7. Zeyar Khaymar Road
8th Mile. Mayangon Township.
Yangon.Myanmar (Burma). Tel: (00951) 661597


Nyaunggan Aye Sasana Yeiktha
Abbot : Venerable U Eindaka
Nyaunggan Aye Sayadaw (Maha Dhamma Kathika Bahujana Hitadhara)

Contact Address
No. 6. Yangon-Insein Road.
Gyogone. Insein Township.
Yangon. Myanmar

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