Mountain Climbing (Rock Climbing) in Myanmar

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Mountain Climbing (Rock Climbing) in Myanmar - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

Mountain Climbing (Rock Climbing) in Myanmar

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Mountain Climbing in Myanmar is still at its infancy, but gradually developing.

Due to Myanmar being a developing country which opened up to the world not very long ago, it may not be fully developed yet as of now, but it has a great potential to start offering one of the best rock climbing experiences in Southeast Asia in the near future due to the diverse terrains and the beautiful landscapes that Myanmar offers.


Currently, there are a few areas where you can do some mountain/rock climbing:

1. Mount Hkakabo Razi

2. Mount Phonyin Razi

3. Mount Phonekan Razi

4. Gabani Boulders

5. Goyangyi Kyun

6. Hpa-An

7. Waterfall Hill (Yaedagon Taung)


Among them, Mount Hkakobo Razi is thought to be the highest mountain in Southeast Asia and is also known to be one of the toughest to climb with lots of risks and dangers involved. The first ever ascent was made in 1996 by a well-known Japanese Mountaineer, Takashi Ozaki and Nyima Gyaltsen. Ozaki stated that the height of the peak was 5,881 meters but at the time, he did not have the proper GPS equipment to do an exact measurement.

In 2014, an attempt to reach the summit was made by a local Burmese team until they met a tragedy and never returned. The attempt to rescue them also failed with the crashing of the rescue helicopter which resulted in the death of one pilot and the struggle to survive for the remaining crew. In November 2014, another attempt was made to measure the height of the peak by an expedition sponsored by National Geographic Society and The North Face, but they turned back after reaching the height of 5,742 meters due to difficulties and estimated that the summit lays about 240 meters higher.



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