Golfing in Myanmar

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Golfing in MyanmarGolfing in Myanmar

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Myanmar used to have the largest number of golf courses in southeast Asia.

The top rated golf courses in Myanmar are:

  1. Aye Thar Yar Golf Resort
  2. Bagan Golf Resort
  3. Hanthawaddy Golf & Country Club
  4. Myanmar Golf Club
  5. Pun Hlaing Golf Club
  6. Shwe Mann Taung Golf Resort
  7. Yangon City Golf Resort
  8. Yangon Golf Club
  9. Yay Tagon Taung Golf Resort
  10. Yemon Island Golf Resort



NOTE: more info will be updated here soon.

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Myanmar Pharmaceutical & Medical Equipment Entrepreneurs' Association

UMFCCI Office Tower (Level - 6)
No.29. Min Ye' Kyaw Swar Street.
Lanmadaw Township. Yangon.
Tel: (+95-1) 214834. 216205
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Petroleum Services Consultancy


P.S.C company limited.
No. 7/C. Pyi taw aye Avenue st. (7) Quarter. yankin Township. Yangon. Union of Myanmar. Tel: (+95-1) 663 369
mobile: (+95-9) 500 3037. (+95-9) 874 3112
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