Golfing in Myanmar

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Golfing in MyanmarGolfing in Myanmar

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Myanmar used to have the largest number of golf courses in southeast Asia.

The top rated golf courses in Myanmar are:

  1. Aye Thar Yar Golf Resort
  2. Bagan Golf Resort
  3. Hanthawaddy Golf & Country Club
  4. Myanmar Golf Club
  5. Pun Hlaing Golf Club
  6. Shwe Mann Taung Golf Resort
  7. Yangon City Golf Resort
  8. Yangon Golf Club
  9. Yay Tagon Taung Golf Resort
  10. Yemon Island Golf Resort



NOTE: more info will be updated here soon.

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Global Mars Shipping & Logistics Services Company Limited is a registered incorporate. hundred percent solely belongs to Myanmar nationals.

The company is established by young and energetic personnel with more than 15 years of experience in general shipping and logistic industry in all major ports of Myanmar. The experience. professional skill. capability of the team fosters the ship owners. ship managers and charterers satisfied.

Address: No.63. 1st Floor. Bo Ka Lay Zay Street (Lower Block). Bo Ta Htaung Township. Yangon. Myanmar.
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Kaung Ko Group

Kaung Ko Group Co..Ltd was established in 2009 as an Import/Export Company. Over the years we have steadily built up our export sales in the core products of Roasted Sesame powder. Honey . and Natural Sesame seeds.

Address: No. 10. Myat Wut Yee (2) St. Parami Yeik Tha. Mayangone Tsp. Yangon. Myanmar.
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