
Mahasi Meditation Center

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Mahasi Meditation Center - 5.0 out of 5 based on 3 votes

Mahasi Meditation CenterMahasi Meditation Center

info Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Organization was founded in 1947 in Myanmar with the objective of propagating the Buddha Sasana through scripture learning and the practice of Vipassana meditation.

Non-profit in character, the Mahasi Meditation Center (မဟာစည်တရားရိပ်သာ) is operated with subscriptions from its members and voluntary donations from devout Buddhists throughout the country. The meditation centre was opened in 1950, with the Most Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw as its Principle Preceptor. The centre has flourished with around 500 meditators (yogis) practicing intensive meditation daily. It is built on 20 acres of tranquil garden land, secluded away from the busy city life of Yangon. Over 100 buildings have been built near the center for housing the meditation teachers and meditators both monks, nuns and laity, men as well as women and providing complete retreat facilities. The center will only accept foreigners if they can stay for at least one week for the meditation courses.


monetization_on Entry Fees: n.a.

watch_later Operation hours: 3:00-23:00

hourglass_full Time Needed: Approximately 1 hour


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build Year established: 1950

directions Directions:

place Location: No.16, Mahasi Thathana Yeiktha Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar

local_phone Phone: 01-545918, 01-541971

email Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

public Website: www.mahasi.org.mm

local_taxi Estimated taxi fare: n.a.

directions_bus Bus directions: n.a.

directions_railway Circular train: n.a.

map See map below:

help_outline Get a free quotation for a Myanmar tour to visit this place.

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Myanmar AICHR

In line with the implementation of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD). particularly Article 28 (f). the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) organised the Workshop on Human Rights. Environment and Climate Change in Yangon. Myanmar on 13 to 15 September 2014.

The activity is in line with two out of seven priorities outlined by President U Thein Sein under the ASEAN Chairmanship of Myanmar.

Web : www.myanmar-aichr.org



Yangon Main Office:

Rm.501.Bldg 16.Myanmar ICT Park.Hlaing Township.Yangon.Myanmar.
Phone : 95-1-2305207. 95-9-73114980. 95-931087049
Fax : 95-1-2305207

Yangon Branch Office:

Rm 303.305 Bldg 14.Myanmar ICT Park.Hlaing Township.Yangon.Myanmar.
Phone : 95-1-2305194. 95-1-2305192. 95-9-73114980
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