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Sittaung River

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Sittaung River - 5.0 out of 5 based on 3 votes

Sittaung RiverSittaung River

Sittaung river lies in east-central Myanmar. rising northeast of Yamethin on the edge of the Shan Plateau and flowing south for 260 miles (420 km) to empty into the Gulf of Martaban of the Andaman Sea. The broad Sittaung River valley lies between the forested Bago Mountains on the west and the steep Shan Plateau on the east and holds the main road and railway from Yangon (Rangoon) to Mandalay as well as the major towns of Bgo. Taungoo. Yamethin. and Pyinmana.

The river is navigable for 25 miles (40 km) year-round and for 55 miles (90 km) during three months of the year. The Sittaung is used to float timber. particularly teak. south for export. Its lower course is linked by canal to Bago River. This canal. built to bypass the tidal bore that afflicted the mouth of the Sittaung. once provided the only route from Yangon to Taungoo.


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Myanmar Pharmaceutical & Medical Equipment Entrepreneurs' Association

UMFCCI Office Tower (Level - 6)
No.29. Min Ye' Kyaw Swar Street.
Lanmadaw Township. Yangon.
Tel: (+95-1) 214834. 216205
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Myanmar Society of Mechanical Engineers

Myanmar Society of Mechanical Engineers - 3.5 out of 5 based on 2 votes

To raise professional competence of Mechanical Engineers.
To promote values of engineering, technology and it’s applications.
To promote CPD and training.
Introduce Codes & Standardizations.
Provide better growth and job opportunities for MEs.
To advance the status and role of MEs; and, to provide platform for ME to improve the technology and society.
Facilitate interaction between MEs and international societies (ASME and ICOMES, others).
To promote social interests of members.

Address: Roof top floor of MES Building, Universities Hlaing Compus, Hlaing Township.
Phone: (+959) 5197621, (+959) 73004042 ( Office )
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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