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Chindwin River

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Chindwin RiverChindwin River

The Chindwin River is a river in Myanmar and the major tributary of the Ayeyarwaddy River. The river flows 840 kilometres to join the Ayeyarwaddy.

The Chindwin river is 750 miles from north to south. However. she is the biggest tributary of the mighty Ayeyarwaddy and spills her strength into the longer river at a place not far from Mandalay. an old city that is the heart of Myanmar.

It runs through misty-blue mountains and charming towns and villages. proudly running through a region of abundant natural resources and fertile meadows.

 The Chindwin Valley is a place of deep jungles and lofty mountains. The cultures of the inhabitants are more unspoilt. and the towns and villages lining the river bank. The marvellous Thanboddhay Pagoda of Monywa and the cave pagodas of Hpowintaung and Shwebataung. are in the Chindwin valley.

Another natural wonder is an extinct volcano crater producing natural Spirulina. It is grown in many parts of the world but this is a rare natural find. the blue-green algae growing organically in a nature-made lake. Spirulina is rich in protein. minerals. amino acids. iron. beta-carotene. vitamins B and E. International researchers have found that it probably stimulates the immune system. and may have antiviral and anticancer effects. It is widely consumed in Myanmar. No organisms can survive to pollute the waters in which this algae grows. so Spirulina is one of the cleanest. most naturally sterile foods found in nature.

Along the Chindwin river bank are Kyaukkar village. producing lacquer ware products. Kani town which has been known as the birthplace of learned nobles and wealthy merchants of the ancient times. Kalewa town. the point where the Myit Thar River joins the Chindwin River.

There are also Allaungdaw Katthapa Wild Life Sanctuary. and Pyingago and Padauk wood. and Thanakha wood. forest products.

Also to go to Naga New Year festival. one has to travel up the Chindwin river reaching the Homemalin Town.

Settlements along the Chindwin River include Shwebo. which was the royal capital from 1760-1764.

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