Myanmars = Myanmar
Golden Land Myanmar
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Golden Land Myanmar
Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. is recognized by the world as the Golden Land. It is one of the earliest homes of mankind. where one can have exclusive experiences of a life-time. You have to find out why.Myanmar. officially Union Of Myanmar. also called Burma. Burmese Myanmar. or Pyidaungzu Myanmar Naingngandaw. is a country lying along the eastern coasts of the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea in southeast Asia.
The country covers an area of 677.000 square kilometers (261.228 square miles) ranging 936 kilometres (581 miles) from east to west and 2.051 kilometers (1.275 miles) from north to south. It is a land of hills and valleys and is rimmed in the north. east and west by mountain ranges forming a giant horseshoe. Enclosed within the mountain barriers are the flat lands of Ayeyarwaddy. Chindwin and Sittaung River valleys where most of the country's agricultural land and population are concentrated.
The length of contiguous frontier is 6.159 kilometres. The total length of Myanmar-Bangladesh boundary is 271 kilometres (168.7 miles). The total length of Myanmar-China boundary is 2.204 kilometres (1.370 miles); Myanmar-Thailand 2.107 kilometres (1.309.8 miles); Myanmar-India 1.338 kilometres (831.8 miles); and Myanmar-Laos 238 kilometres (147.9 miles).
As a whole. the location and topography of the country generated a diversity of climate conditions. Seasonal changes in the monsoon wind directions create summer. rainy and winter seasons. Extremes of temperature are rare. The directions of winds and depression bring rain. and although it is always heavy in the coastal areas during monsoon season. it seldom creates hardships. The Government is giving priority to the forest conservation and greening of nine arid districts in central Myanmar.
Myanmar is endowed with a rich diversity of habitat types arising largely from its unusual ecological diversity. It is home to nearly 300 known mammal species. 300 reptiles and about 100 birds species. and a haven for about 7.000 species of plant life. Since Myanmar considers such a rich pool of bio diversity as an important national asset. the Government has drawn up strict regulations to protect its biological resources.
As some folktales have said. the map of the country itself resembles the figure of a dancing lady.
Maybe.. head turning. hands spread. standing on one leg. a bending knee... hmm..
Why called "The Golden Land"?
Gold is the most precious metal. Yes. Myanmars love gold. Gold is used every where: pagoda. monasteries. accessories of the nobles. and so on. Most pagodas in Myanmar are covered with gold leaves. or for those who cannot afford use gold paint in the modern days.
When you get to Myanmar. or if you have ever been to Myanmar. this question will need not be answered. You will see golden things or gold-covered monuments in every direction you turn.
No wonder. this is called the Golden Land!