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Burmese Cats

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Animals resembling Burmese Cats existed hundreds of years ago in Thailand and Burma. Legends say that the Burmese were the traditional pets of Royalty and Nobility long before the Siamese.Burmese Cats

As was the Siamese. the Burmese were temple cats assigned a student monk to indulge their every whim. In the 19th century they were known in England as Chocolate Siamese. but the Burmese cat breed died out there. Their coats are very short. satin-like in texture. and generally require little grooming other than daily petting. Burmese have large. expressive eyes that are great pools of innocence and seductive appeal. irresistible in effect.

These eyes are their most persuasive weapon in an arsenal of endearing traits that mask an awesome power to hypnotize their owners into life-time love affairs through which they effortlessly rule their families. As kittens. Burmese are quite lively. They will be playful well into adulthood. As they grow. their high intelligence emerges and their own personalities unfold. They mature into charming. resolute executives who will take over a household with those big eyes and a velvet paw. If encouraged. many Burmese converse with their humans. using soft. sweet voices. They are good with children and. if introduced to it at an early age. most will enjoy traveling in a car.

Burmese are extremely people-oriented; their personalities are almost dog-like in a tendency to shadow their owners and to give and receive affection. Burmese Cats come in a variety of colors. brown. blue. chocolate. lilac. cream. with tortie too.

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