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Pickled Tea Leaf Salad

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Pickled Tea Leaf Salad - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

Pickled Tea Leaf Salad


Pickled tea leaf (la-phet) salad is an exclusive snack of Myanmar nationals. Its taste is delicious and lingers in the mouth. Once you have tasted it you would crave for more. It is an unforgettable snack for those who have had once.

First clean the pickled tea leaves with some water twice or trice and squeeze it to discard the bitter juice. Then put the tea leaves on a plate and mix thoroughly with peanut oil and fish sauce. and keep to one side. Peel. wash and slice garlic thinly. Then wash
and halve tomatoes before takingout seeds and slice thinly. Wash cabbage before chopping very thinly. Remove stalks from chillies and wash them.When the ingredients are ready. put the pickled tea leaves (la-phet). crispy fried lab-lab beans. some fish sauce. thinly sliced tomatoes and cabbage and edible peanut oil on a wide plate and mix together properly. For those who like a hot and sour taste squeeze drops of lime and thinly sliced fresh chillies when blending to make the salad. When taste of the la-phet salad meets your requirement. prepare in a plate. After that sprinkle dried shrimps and garlic on the salad before putting green chillies. Now a plate of traditional Myanmar pickled tea leaf salad is ready to be served.


Fine pickled tea leaves = 80 g
Fried lab-lab beans = 80 g
Fried garlic = 40 g
Fried peanut = 80 g
Roasted sesame seeds = 40 g
Dried shrimps (not salted) = 40 g
Garlic (large cloves) = 10 cloves
Fresh chillies = 10
Tomatoes (moderate size) = 3
Cabbage = 160 g
Myanmar fish sauce (sweet) = small amount
Pure edible peanut oil = 80 g


Author by Lu Thar Kyaw(SweSone Yangon Inflight Magazine)


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