Myanmars = Myanmar
Flags of Myanmar from time to time
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Flags of Myanmar from time to time
The big star was meant for the Union. and 5 smaller stars were for 5 states.
This is the first flag of the independent modern Burma (Myanmar). which was proudly first hoisted at 4:25am. 4th January 1948!
Anti-Facist Revolutionary Flag
Japanese flag
Very similar to the previous. The only difference is the feathers of the peacock is redrawn in geometrical diamond-shape patterns
Do-Bamar Assiayone flag (We-Burmans Association flag). as well as Myanmar's national flag after Japan invasion.
1939 British Ensign
In the diarchy parliament of February 1939. the Governor of Burma officialised this ensign just like other British dominion states. The insignia of the Myanmars. the dancing peacock on that flag was taken from King Mindon's 1-kyat silver coin.
British Union Jack flag
Kongbaung Dynasty Flag
The earliest records shows that this flag was hoisted in Yangon when Myanmar King bought Yangon back from the British for 10 million Kyats in silver coins (360.000 pounds or 163.293.25 kg of silver). This flag was also hoisted on top of the Myanmar ship when minister U Kaung (Kinwun Mingyee) went to Britain during 1800s. It has a white background. with a red peacock biting a branch of flowers. Hoisted with a golden tip at the top of the pole. This original flag was defined as 18 feet high and 27 feet wide.
The early Mons hoisted this flag of golden Hinthar on a green background.