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Old National Flag of Myanmar

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Old National Flag of Myanmar - 3.7 out of 5 based on 3 votes

Old National Flag of Myanmar

Old National Flag of Myanmar

The State Flag is rectangular in shape and its background colour is red with a dark blue canton at the top left corner. A pinion and ears of paddy encircled with fourteen white stars of equal size have been superimposed on the dark blue field of the canton.

 The centre of the pinion coincides with the centre of the blue canton. The pinion has fourteen cogs of equal size and within it are two ears of paddy consisting of 34 grains. At the top of each cog of the pinion is a star with five vertices. The paddy represents the peasants while the pinion stands for the workers who form the majority of the people in the country. 14 uniform white stars symbolize the equal status and union spirit of the 7 States and 7 Divisions that constitute the Union of Myanmar.

Of the three colours of the flag. red signifies courage and decisiveness. white signifies purity and virtue and dark blue signifies peace and integrity.

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Petroleum Services Consultancy


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