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Kayah - 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 votes

KayahKayah People

Kayah State is inhabited by Kayah. Kayan or (Padaung) Mono. Kayaw. Yintalei. Gekho. Hheba. Shan. Intha. Bamar. Rakhine. Chin. Kachin.Kayin . Mon and Pao . Kayah State had a population of 158.400 in 1983 and in1996 the estimated population is over 240.000. Kayah State is situated in eastern Myanmar and bounded on the north by Shan State and on the east by Thailand and on the south and west by Kayin state. 49 per cent of the population are are Buddhists. 43 per cent are Christians and 6 per cent are Animists.


There are 9 different Kayah ethnic groups:
13. Kayah (Karenni)
14. Zayein (Lahta; Gaungto; Loilong Karens)
15. Ka-Yun (Kayan; Padaung)
16. Gheko (Karen. Geko)
17. Kebar. maybe translation error for Geba Karen language
18. Bre (Ka-Yaw; Kayaw)
19. Manu Manaw (Manumanaw)
20. Yin Talai. maybe Yintale
21. Yin Baw (Yinbaw)

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Kaung Ko Group

Kaung Ko Group Co..Ltd was established in 2009 as an Import/Export Company. Over the years we have steadily built up our export sales in the core products of Roasted Sesame powder. Honey . and Natural Sesame seeds.

Address: No. 10. Myat Wut Yee (2) St. Parami Yeik Tha. Mayangone Tsp. Yangon. Myanmar.
Tel: +95 9 32244 515
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Myanmar Fire Protection (2)


Head Office

Myanmar Thiha Co..Ltd.
No.508(A). Lower Kyee Myin Daing Road. Kayinamyothar Ward. Kyee Myin Daing Township. Yangon.
Phone : 95-1-2315289. 2315954. 95-9-31136248. 95-9-5028913
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Yangon Branch

Kyee Myin Daing Branch - 95-9-73100890. 95-9-73100891
North Okkalapa Branch - 95-9-73154670. 95-9-425308167
9 Miles Branch - 95-1-656923. 95-1-656796
Insein Branch (Pauk Taw Wa) - 95-1-643758. 95-9-73126057

Mandalay Branch

Corner of 78 Road & 42 Street. Near No.(11) Police Station. Yangon Mandalay Highway Road. Chan Mya Thar Si Township. Mandalay.
Phone : 95-2-33004. 95-9-6500413
Fax : 95-2-33004

Naypyidaw Branch

No.(65-A/B). Paung Laung Ward (2). Pobbathiri Township. Yangon Mandalay Highway Road (Old Road). Naypyidaw. Pyinmanar.
Phone : 95-67-25667. 95-9-49208880. 95-9-73042127
Fax : 95-67-25667

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