
Famous Celebrities of Myanmar

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Famous Celebrities of Myanmar - 3.7 out of 5 based on 3 votes

The first Myanmar documentary film was made during 1919. by U Ohn Maung. He studied photography and the nature of making films. The subject of the documentary was about Myanmar Export and Traditional cottage industries like Lacquerware production. Pathein parasol (umbrella) makings and Mandalay Silk textiles.


Myanmar's film making started in 1946. It started with a short news movie.

As for the Movie Stars in Myanmar. Academy Award is considered as the best artistic award in Myanmar. Each and every star make their best efforts and expressions in acting their given roles while they try to reach the top to get the academy award. The academy award was awarded to the artists since 1952. This award is not only for the role of acting but for others like directors. film makers. producers. photographers. dialogue and lyrics. Some popular actors and actresses are:


1.Win Oo
2.Nyunt Win
3.Lwin Moe
4.Lu Min
5.Kyaw Thu
6.Kyaw Hein
7.Khant Sithu
8.Nay Htet Lin
9.Min Maw Kun
10.Nay Toe
11.Thu Htoo San


1.Khin Than Nu
2.Wah Wah Win Shwe
3.Hnin Si
4.May Than Nu
5.Moh Moh Myint Aung
6.Htun Eindra Bo
7.Nandar Hlaing
8.Htet Htet Moe Oo
9.Eindra Kyaw Zin
10.Khine Thin Kyi
11.Yadanar Khin
13.Su Pan Htwar
14.Myo Sandi Kyaw

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Best Team International Co..Ltd.

Address : Building (20). Room ( 3 ). Hnin Si Street. New Yuzana Plaza. Tamwe Township. Yangon. Myanmar



Myanmar Pharmaceutical & Medical Equipment Entrepreneurs' Association

UMFCCI Office Tower (Level - 6)
No.29. Min Ye' Kyaw Swar Street.
Lanmadaw Township. Yangon.
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