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The original name of the race known as Kachin is Jinghpaw. Jinghpaw is the racial name for the tribes known as the Hkahkus. Gauris. Lashis. Marus. Atsis and Nungs as well as for the Jinghpaw proper.
There are 12 different Kachin ethnic groups:
1. Kachin see: Jingpo people
2. Tarone see: Taron people
3. Dalaung. unknown[5]
4. Jinghpaw see: Singpho people
5. Guari. unknown[5]
6. Hkahku see: Jingpo people
7. Duleng. unknown[5]
8. Maru (Lawgore)
9. Rawang see Nung Rawang
10. Lashi (La Chit)
11. Atsi see Zaiwa language
12. Lisu