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Telecommunication - 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 votes

The postal codes of different townships in Yangon are listed as below. Some townships are divided into two parts.Telecommunication


Post Office Township Postal Code
Ahlone  Ahlone 11121
Aung San Insein 11012
Bahan Bahan 11201
Bayintnaung Market (Thamine) Mayangone 11062
Bogyoke Market Pabedan 11143
Botahtaung Botahtaung 11162
Botahtaung Botahtaung 11161
Dagon Dagon  11191
Dagon Myothit (North) Dagon Myothit (North) 11421
Dagon Myothit (South) Dagon Myothit (South) 11431
Dawbon Dawbon 11241
Hlaing Hlaing 11051
Hlaing Thar Yar Hlaing Thar Yar  11401
Insein Insein 11011
Kaba Aye  Mayangone 11061
Kamayut Kamayut 11041
Kyauk Tan Kyauk Tan 11301
Kyauktada Kyauktada 11182
Kyeemyindaing Kyimyindaing 11101
Lanmadaw Lanmadaw 11131
Mingalar Taung Nyunt Mingalar Taung Nyunt 11221
Mingalardon Mingalardon 11021
Okkalapa (North) Okkalapa (North) 11031
Okkalapa (South) Okkalapa (South) 11091
Pabedan Pabedan 11141
Pazundaung Pazundaung 11171
Pyi Thar Yar Yankin 11082
Sanchaung Sanchaung 11111
Shwe Pyi Thar Shwe Pyi Thar 11411
Shwepaukan Okkalapa (North) 11032
Tamwe Tamwe  11211
Tanyin Tanyin 11291
Thamine College Hlaing 11052
Tharkayta Tharkayta 11231
Theingyi Market Pabedan 11142
Thingangyun Thingangyun 11071
Thuwunna Thingangyun 11072
Yangon Yangon 11181
Yangon Station Mingalar Taung Nyunt 11222
Yankin Yankin 11081

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eBusinesses Listing


SIN MINN. was established in 2007. a leading business conglomerate in Myanmar. has committed itself to conducting business in line with good

corporate governance and sustainable development principles throughout 100 years.

Address: No. (Ma-24). (2-Ta). 67th Street and Aurora Street. Mandalay.
Tel: 02 78663. 78664. 62155. 09 2157615
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SIN MINN. was established in 2007. a leading business conglomerate in Myanmar. has committed itself to conducting business in line with good corporate governance and sustainable development principles throughout 100 years.

Nippon Paint Myanmar

Nippon Paint Myanmar - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote


No.69. Waizayandar Road. South Oakkalapa Township. Yangon. Myanmar.

Ph - 09 264153024 / 09 - 264153025

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