Myanmars = Myanmar

Facts about Myanmar

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Natural resources

Facts about Myanmar

Myanmar is rich in natural resources such as petroleum. timber. tin. antimony. zinc. copper. tungsten. lead. coal. some marble. limestone. precious stones. natural gas. hydropower.


Myanmar is made up of 135 national races. of which the main national races are Kachin. Kayah. Kayin. Chin. Bamar. Mon. Rakhine and Shan. Population is estimated to be over 60 million. The nationality is Myanmar. There are more than 100 ethnic groups in Myanmar. Some of the Ethnic groups are listed as Akha. Palaung. Padaung. Naga. Taron. Eng and many more near extinct tribes. The religions are Buddhist. Christian and Muslim. The major language is Myanmar. but minority ethnic groups have their own languages. English is widely spoken and understood.
More information at People & Life Style Section.


The earliest primates known today as Pondaung Man. resided in Pondaung. northern Myanmar about 40 million years ago. After those era. many city states emerged. and then came the 3 empires. In the third century BC. Myanmar was already unified into one strong empire. The first Myanmar Empire was created by King Anawrahta of the Bagan Dynasty (1044-1077 AD). The second Myanmar Empire was created by King Bayinnaung of the Taungoo Dynasty (1551-1581 AD). The third Myanmar Empire was led by King Alaungpaya of the Konbaung Dynasty (1752-1760 AD). These three great kings were well-known in the Myanmar history for their bravery and good leadership. In 1885. King Thibaw. Queen Supaya Latt and the royal family were taken to Ratanagiri. India and Myanmar fell under the British Rule. Myanmar became a British Colony from 1885 until 1948.

Neighbouring Countries

Myanmar has many neighbouring countries. Bangladesh is located in the West. India in the Northwest. China in the Northeast. Laos and Thailand in the East.

General Information

The country code is +95. and the internet access code is .mm

Time Zone = MMT (UTC+6:30)

International airports are in Yangon and Mandalay.

The country is divided into states. divisions. townships. wards and villages.

Business Hours is usually from 9am to 5pm for private companies and 9:30-4:30 for government offices. Working days are from Monday through Friday. Public holidays are also included.

Major Credit cards are not widely accepted. Cash is always more convenient. National currency is Kyat.

Electricity is 200 volts AC. 50Hz.

Taxis are available everywhere. There are over 250 Buses lines running through Yangon everyday. For exclusive transport. there are car rental services.

Domestic highway bus terminals are Aung-Yadanar and Sawbwargyi-Gone. both about 10 miles from downtown Yangon.

Common local unit of weight is peiktha (viss). which equals to 3.6 pounds.

Most common unit of measure is feet and inches.

Clothing should be light. casual cotton wear. sandals or slippers are best for summer.

A cardigan or light jerkin for winter and quick drying clothes and an umbrella during the rainy season.

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eBusinesses Listing

Kaung Ko Group

Kaung Ko Group Co..Ltd was established in 2009 as an Import/Export Company. Over the years we have steadily built up our export sales in the core products of Roasted Sesame powder. Honey . and Natural Sesame seeds.

Address: No. 10. Myat Wut Yee (2) St. Parami Yeik Tha. Mayangone Tsp. Yangon. Myanmar.
Tel: +95 9 32244 515
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Myanmar Pharmaceutical & Medical Equipment Entrepreneurs' Association

UMFCCI Office Tower (Level - 6)
No.29. Min Ye' Kyaw Swar Street.
Lanmadaw Township. Yangon.
Tel: (+95-1) 214834. 216205
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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