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Rakhine - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote


Rakhines reside in western Rakhine coast. they are closely related to Burmese proper. though their form of Burmese language varies from the language of the Ayeyawady Valley. notably in the retention of the 'R'sound which in Burmese proper has been replaced by 'Y'. 

By religion they are Buddhists. Total populations over 2 million and Sittway Town is the most populated place. Rakhines and Bamars are living in delta region. Yambyai and Man Aung islands. Chin are residing in the northern mountain ranges. Myo. Thet. Khami. Daignet. Maramargyi and Khaman are living on the mountains which are on the west and north of Sittwe Plain. 


There are 7 ethnic Rakhine groups:

96. Rakhine (Arakanese)
97. Kamein
98. Kwe Myi
99. Daingnet
100. Maramagyi
101. Mro (Wakim)
102. Thet

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Shine Hill

Shine Hill - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

Shine Hill Co.. Ltd. was established in January 01. 2004 and got its license no.821 of 2003-04 from the Ministry of National Planning & Economic Development (MNPED).

Address : No.256. Room(16). 1st Floor. Mahabandoola Garden Street. Kyauktada Township. Yangon. Myanmar.
Tel : (+95-9) 73 052 993. 73 052 805. (+95-1) 22 169
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Empire Chemicals

Empire Chemicals - 3.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote


Address : No.104 (B). 27th Street. Pabedan Township. Yangon. Myanmar.
Phone : (+95-1) 376277. 387997. 376203. 375006
Fax : (+95-1) 387997
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