Naga people
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Naga people
The Naga people of about two and half million are found in Nagaland. parts of Manipur. Assam. Arunachal Pradesh and Myanmar. Of mixed Yunnanese and Myanmar origin. they speak tribal dialects belonging to the Tibeto-Burman familyIn Myanmar they live in the borders of Sagaing Dviision and Chin States bordering India to the west.
The Naga have traditionally practiced their Animistic religion and are known for being a warlike people with an agrarian economy. They are also known for their great friendliness. hospitality. bravery. truthfulness and sense of honour.
CultureTattooing and dormitories plays a major role in their traditional culture. although this practice is now in sharp decline. Headhunting. which was once widely practiced. has been banned.
There are relatively few Christian Naga who combine tribal animist beliefs and rituals with Christianity. as Baptists condemn all non-Christian beliefs as cults and fundamentally contradictory to Christianity. The majority of the Naga tribes in Arunachal Pradesh and Myanmar remain loyal to their animistic faith. although militant and missionary intervention in recent years is converting them to Christianity.
Naga New Year Festival is usually held in January of every year. Special package tours programs are arranged at such a time. They dance around with beautiful clothes and Naga warriors come with traditional dresses made of tusks of tigers.