United Digital Museum, Myanmar (Burma)
Myanmar Stamps
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Are you a philatelist? Interested in philately?
If you are interested in the hobby of philately (stamp collecting). then you can call yourself a philatelist. A stamp collector with interest in Asian stamps. they would be interested in Myanmar stamps too. These Myanmar stamps are arranged in chronological order. Text on the sides are the description or dedication of each stamps. See how the stamps reflect the life-style of the Myanmar people. according to time and different administrations.Myanmar Stamps
The short meaning of stamps according to Myanmar dictionary is described as an adhesive label for prepayment of revenue in kind of postage. pasted with gum. denoting the value of the stamp which is printed on a piece of paper approximately an in square.
The pictorial designs of stamps when affixed to a piece of paper or envelope denote payment of duties and fees for postal purposes. Postage stamps are printed in sheets which can easily be divided or cut out in association with the series of holes or half-holes on the sides of a stamp for which postal officials term as "Perforation". In other words. it is "Glossary and Dictionary of "Philatelic Terms" in order to detach individual copies or labels from a sheet of stamps. so that the portrait or pictorial designs of stamps can be seen distinctly.
Each stamp possesses its own perforation and the gauge of a perforation is denoted by the number of holes on each side of a stamp within a space of 20 millimetres. Moreover. during the course of manufacture "Watermarks" are also printed on some of the stamps. similar to that of Currency Notes issued by the government. Some of them are without Watermarks. the impressions made therein are kept as official secrets to the public. and they are only known to Security Printing Press and the responsible authority concerned. When stamp is introduced. the frame of the design is merely square. but later on. there appear different sizes of rectangular. horizontal designs.
The first Post Office in Burma was established in Yangon in 1854. A letter bearing East India Stamp of Queen Victoria. was dispatched from Taungoo on 20th October 1885. The first "Provisional Stamps" were put on sale in the year 1937.
Stamps issued in Myanmar
during British Colonial Administration. 1886-1942. 1945-1948
Stamps issued in Myanmar
during Japanese Occupation. 1942-1945
Stamps issued during Union of Burma. 1948-1962
Stamps issued during Union of Burma. Revolution Council Administration. 1962-1974
Stamps issued during Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma
Stamps issued during Union of Burma 1988-89.
Union of Myanmar 1989-1997.
State Law and Order Restoration Council Administration
Stamps issued during Union of Myanmar.
During State Peace and Development Council Administration.