United Digital Museum, Myanmar (Burma)
Buddha's Footprint
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Buddha's Footprint
The marks on the soles of Buddha.There are a hundred and eight distinguishing marks on both the soles of the Buddha.
They represent the three worlds.1. 59 indicating the inanimate world (Okasaloka) 2. 21 indicating the animate world (Sattaloka) and 3. 28 indicating the world of the Conditioned (Sankharaloka).The essence here is that the Buddha is greater than all the three worlds. These marks became apparent right from the birth of the Buddha when eight out of the hundred and eight royal astrologers present were asked to comment on them.
Seven of them pre-said that the child would either become the Buddha or the Cakkavatti. the Universal Monarch.Only Sudatta Kondamna. the youngest of them made a single prediction that the royal child was destined to become the Buddha because there was the image of a Cakkavatti on the child soles.
And a personage superior to a Cakkavatti could only be a Buddha.
In worshipping the hundred and eight distinguishing marks on the soles of the Buddha. one should therefore remember to ones benefit that the Buddha is endowed with the attributes of the Chief of the World (Tilokagga). the one who has reached the end of the world and the all things worldly (Tilokantagu). the knower of the three worlds (Lokavidu).
108 Distinguishing soles of Buddha with explanation
No. Description
1. The large spear
2. The royal mansion
3. The wax flower
4. The three regular line across the neck
5. The ornament head band
6. The table laid
7. The royal cot
8. The javelin
9. The multi-tiered roof
10. The archway
11. The white parasol
12. The royal scimitar
13. The palmyra fan
14. The fan made of peacocks feathers
15. The whisk made of the tail of the antelore
16. The frontilet
17. The ruby
18. The alms bowl
19. The garlands of jasmins
20. The blue lotus
21. The red lotus
22. The laered lotus
23. The white water lily
24. The white lotus
25. The potfull of water
26. The cup full of water
27. The ocean
28. The mountain of the universe
29. The himalayan mountain
30. The meru mountain
31. The sun
32. The moon
33. The planets
34. - 38. The four great islands (the east island. the west island. the north island and the south island. the two thousand lesser islands)
39. The Cakkavatti (the universal monarch)
40. The white conch shield
41. The pair of goldenfish
42. The wheel
43. - 49. The seven great lakes
50. - 56. The seven mountain ranges
57. - 63. The seven rivers
64. The garuda king
65. The crocodile king
66. Streamers
67. The golden palanquin
68. Mount Kalasa
69. The lion king
70. The tiger king
71. The noble steed born among clouds
72. The noble white elephant
73. The dragon king
74. The golden swan
75. The noble bull
76. The eravana sakkas celestial elephant
77. The golden lewathan
78. The royal barge with the four doorways
79. The cow and her calf
80. The kinnara mythical male bird
81. The kinary mythical female bird
82. The karaweik bird
83. The peacock
84. The crane
85. The ruddy goose
86. The pheasant partridge
87. - 92. The six Deva realms
93. - 108. The sixteen brahma realms