
Monywa (Around Mandalay)

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Monywa (Around Mandalay)Monywa (Around Mandalay)

Beautiful lake and bridge at Monywa


info Monywa (မုံရွာမြို့) is a city in Sagaing Division, Myanmar, located 136 km north-west of Mandalay on the eastern bank of the Chindwin River. It is along the Mandalay-Budalin branch railway line but is best reached by bus as the road from Mandalay is in reasonably good shape.


monetization_on Entry Fees: n.a.

watch_later Operation hours: n.a

hourglass_full Time needed: Approximately 2 hour


Monywa is a major trade center for agricultural produce from the surrounding Chindwin Valley, especially beans, orange pulses and jiggery (palm sugar). In addition, the local industry includes mills for the production of cotton, flour, noodles, and edible oils. Monywa's rough cotton blankets are famous throughout Myanmar. Other regional crafts include bamboo and reed products, bullock carts and agricultural implements.


Interesting Places in Monywa

Thanboddhay Pagoda

Thanboddhay is the only pagoda with this unique shape in the whole country. It is located in Monywa.


Shwe Gu Ni Pagoda

About 20 miles east of Monywa, there is a famous Shwe Gu Ni Pagoda dating from the 14th century. The 33 meters high Buddha Image is sticked by gold foils and the original face of Buddha Image is hardly to see because of a thick quote of gold. The pagoda festival is held in May (Myanmar month Kason) each year when the whole compound is crowded with locals.

Bodhi Tahtaung and Po Khaung Taung

Bodhi Tahtaung Pagoda in Monywa has one thousand Bodhi Trees and each tree has a large Buddha Image underneath.


Laykyun Setkyar Standing Buddha Image

Laykyun Setkyar Standing Buddha Image was built by Bodhi Tahtaung Sayadaw (venerable monk). It is the second tallest Buddha Image in the world at 116 meters. It is also located on Po Khaung Taung just behind the reclining Buddha image. It was built the hollow type. Can climb by stairs inside the structure to see the panoramic view. It took 11 years to finish. Since its completing in 2008, the image has become one of the main tourist attractions in Myanmar.


116 meters Standing Buddha Image at Monywa


Pho Win Hills

Pho Win Hill is thought to be South East Asia's richest collection of Buddhist mural paintings and images.


Shwe Ba Hill

Shwe Ba Hill is located on the west bank of Chindwin river just beyond the Pho Win Hill.


Alaungdaw Kathapa

It is one of the most famous pagodas in the region, located in the center of the Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park. Hundreds and thousands of pilgrims pay homage to the Pagoda annually during the dry season.

Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park

It is located in Minkin township of Sagaing Region. Established as a wildlife sanctuary in 1941 and opened as a National Park in 1984, it is the largest National Park in Myanmar.


Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park


Kyaukka Village

Kyaukka village is only 12 miles from Monywa just beyond the Shwe Gu Ni Pagoda. It is a big village and well known for the crafting of black lacquerware called Kyaukka ware. Kyaukka lacquerwares are heavier and more refined and artistic than Bagan lacquerwares. Typical black and gold lacquerwares from Kyaukka village is the pagoda festival’s speciality in Upper Myanmar. The whole Kyaukka village was crowded when celebrates the Shwe Gu Ni Pagoda Festival in May.

Htan Ta Loke Stream

Htan Ta Loke Chaung (Chaung means stream) is a famous picnic spots in Kyaukka village, Monywa. There is a waterfall and cold stream that comes from an underground spring. It is surrounded by big boulders and shady trees. The place is also good for bathing in the stream and trekking walk.

Nyaunggan City

Nyaunggan is located in Budalin Township, Monywa District, Sagaing Region. A cemetery, near Nyaunggan Village, was excavated in 1998 and 1999. The excavation involved five pits. Most of the skeletons with bones in site were extended and supine primary burials, although there was one secondary burial, consisting of a skull in a large pot.

Twin Taung (or) Twin Hill

Twin Taung is about 6 miles east west of Budalin Township. It is about 200 meters above the surrounding area. There is a natural lake where very rare Spirulina is found. Spirulina is used in cosemtic and medical products. There is a Spirulina production factory at the base of the hill. The scenery around this beautiful lake is also breathtaking and worth the visit.


build Year established: n.a.

directions Directions:

place Location: Monywa, Mandalay Region, Myanmar

local_phone Phone: n.a.

email Email: n.a.

public Website: n.a.

local_taxi Estimated taxi fare: n.a.

directions_bus Bus directions: n.a.

directions_railway Train directions: n.a.

map See map below:

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