
Mann Ma-yway

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Mann Ma-yway

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Mann Ma-yway. a snack made of glutinous rice and palm sugar. is mostly sold at rural markets and pagoda festivals in Myanmar.

It is also called Ma-yway-gyi in some regions. Made of puffed glutinous rice and palm sugar. it is sweet. delicious and crispy and consumed by old and young. alike.

In making Mann Ma-yway. first of all. steamed glutinous rice is pounded into paste. The paste is place on a mat. strewn with bran. It is then cut into flat pieces. each measuring about an inch. The small pieces of glutinous rice must be dried under the sun for about half a day. After that. when the small pieces are roasted. they puffed-up. At the same time. palm sugar syrup must be kept ready. 

After sifting in a sieve. the puffed-up piece are put in a big bamboo tray and poured with hot palm sugar syrup and then mixed well. When the syrup is cooled. then crispy sweet smelling Mann Ma-yway is ready. 

Mann Ma-yway is eaten with hot green tea. In some rural areas. this snack is served at wedding or religious ceremonies.

Mann Ma-yway is a rural snack preferred by majority of the people.

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