
Pakokku Thiho Shin Pagoda Festival

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Pakokku Thiho Shin Pagoda FestivalPakokku Thiho Shin Pagoda Festival

Photo Credit - www.celebratedmyanmar.com

Pakokku is an old customary town on the western bank of the Ayeyawady River.

This pagoda celebration is the most critical for all towns west of the Ayeyawady and items from the locale. for example. dried bean stew. custom made wicker bin and tobacco are sold each year at this tremendous nation reasonable. The best thanakha trees. the bark of which is beat to influence the simply natural make-up cream utilized by numerous Myanmar ladies. to develop around there.

Fullmoon of Waso(June)

Date : 8th Waxing of Nayon

Location : Pakokku. Central Myanmar

Duration : 15 days



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