Pantin (the art of bronze casting)
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Pantin is an enterprise producing materials of copper, bronze or brass. The artisans make triangular brass gong, gong, and brass bowl for monk, weights in the shape of brainy ducks, tray, copper pot, cup bowl, cymbal, bell jingle bell and small brass gong. Myanmar’s traditional coppersmith’s craft emerged before Bagan period and it improved during Bagan and Inwa period. Every pagoda in Myanmar has bells, which were struck to tell the people of good deeds done.
They are triangular bells which twirl when struck and ring with a sweet rising and falling tone, which gradually fades away. Moreover there are gongs, slung from carved ivory or wood elephant trunks, which are prized as dinner gongs. Different sizes and shapes of bells, all unmistakably Burmese in design, are popular as souvenirs. So are other castings such as weights and cow bells.