
Gold Foil Making

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Gold Foil MakingGold Foil Making

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In Myanmar. gold-leaves are widely sold at the famous pagodas to gild the Buddha image or stupa with gold-leaf. This is the Myanmar tradition for meritorious deeds. These gold-leaves are originally make in Mandalay. Mandalay's gold-leaf makers are concentrated in the south-east of the city. near the intersection of 36th and 78th Sts.

Sheets of gold are beaten into gossamer-thin pieces which are cut into squares and sold in packets to devotees to use for gilding images or even complete stupas. The typical gold-leaf square measures just 0.000127 cm. thinner than ink on the printed page. Gilding a Buddha image or a stupa with gold leaf brings great credit to the gilder. so there is a steady growth of gold leaf on many images in Myanmar.

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