Mingun Sayadaw in Guiness Records
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The Venerable Mingun Sayadaw U Vicittasarabivamsa (Burmese: မင်းကွန်းဆရာတော် ဦးဝိစိတ္တသာရာဘိဝံသ, articulated: 1 November 1911 – 9 February 1993) was a Burmese Theravada Buddhist minister, best known for his memory abilities and his part in the Sixth Buddhist Council.
Ven. Mingun Sayadaw was conceived Maung Khin to U Sone and Daw Sin in 1911 in Kyipin Village in Myingyan Township. Mandalay Province. British Burma. His dad kicked the bucket when Maung Khin was just 4 years of age. Amid his childhood. he was noted for being saved and his cleanliness.
At 5 years old. he was sent to the town cloister as per Burmese Buddhist convention. to get a fundamental devout instruction. The directing sayadaw was U Sasana who had been instructed at the Nan Oo Monastery. an unmistakable religious community in Mandalay.
His granddad. U Chai showed him Buddhist supplications and recitations. It was for these that he would increase extraordinary after and distinction as the Mingun Sayadaw. At 7 years old. he was briefly noviciated according to Theravada convention. at the Min Kyaung Taik in Myingyan. with U Sobhita as preceptor. Since that age. Maung Khin showed incredible remembering capacity. He additionally read a wide exhibit of diaries. books. magazines and books.
Under the protection and support of the U Nu government. the Sixth Buddhist Council was held in the reason assembled Mahapasana Cave at the Kaba Aye Pagoda in Yangon from 1954 to 1956. Close by the admired Mahasi Sayadaw. the Mingun Sayadaw assumed a key part in the Sangha Executive Committee. He partook in noting all inquiries concerning the Vinaya. the segment of the Tripitaka managing disciplinary principles of the Sangha.
It was said that the sayadaw reviewed the correct book. page and line of each term in the Tripitaka.
At the Request of Prime Minister U Nu and the Buddha Sasana Council. he started take a shot at a treatise on the Life Story of the Buddha. titled the Maha Buddhavamsa from 1955 to 1960. The Maha Buddhavamsa is viewed as the most noteworthy accomplishment of the sayadaw's scholarly work.
In 1979. the Burmese government. now under the lead of General Ne Win and Burma Socialist Program Party presented the title of Agga Maha Pandita in acknowledgment of his accomplishments and commitments. The following year. he filled in as the main consultant for the meeting of the First All Orders Sangha Congregation - an endeavor by the legislature to get control over the distinctive Buddhist factions in the nation.
In 1985. the Guinness Book of Records recorded the sayadaw as a record holder in the Human memory class. The correct section was Human memory: Bhandanta Vicitsara (sic) discussed 16.000 pages of Buddhist accepted content in Rangoon. Burma in May 1954. Uncommon cases of eidetic memory - the capacity to extend and thus "outwardly" review material- - are known to science.[1]
The sayadaw was in his 80s when the present military legislature of Myanmar took control. He separated himself from the majority rule government shows and the 8888 development. As the administration cemented its position. the sayadaw was drawn closer by the legislature to go to its religious occasions. which he consented to do as such. The sayadaw did not participate in any legislative issues but rather a couple of radical components of the expert majority rule government development considered him as an administration toady. Be that as it may. his notoriety was never discolored as he proceeded with his religious work until the very end.
The sayadaw kicked the bucket in 1992 of inconveniences from a disease. He was given an accepted state memorial service. where he was sent off by an extensive number of kindred friars. government authorities and lovers. His fiery remains were then scattered over different areas the nation over to symbolize the national religious figure he had come to exemplify.
The sayadaw has come to exemplify the Burmese devotion to Buddhism and furthermore of the Burmese Buddhist sangha. His recitations of the Patthana and the suttas are a standout amongst the most prevalent Buddhist sound materials sold in Myanmar.