Kyaing Tong
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info Kyaing Tong (ကျိုင်းတုံ) is about 456km from Taunggyi, the capital city of Shan State.
Kyaing Tong is inhabited by ethnic tribes such as Wa, Shan, Akha and Lahu. Kyaing Tong is full of temples, colonial buildings, lakes and is the most scenic town in Shan State. Kyaing Tong also carries the definition of "Walled City of Tung".
monetization_on Entry Fees: n.a.
watch_later Operation hours: 24 hours
hourglass_full Time needed: Approximately 2 hour
Kyaing Tong is built around a lake. And as the legend say. there was a powerful magician called "Tungkalasi" who used his magic staff to drain a lake of near-sea proportion. Then the city was built around it. The original city walls and gates can still be seen today.
Kyaing Tong lies in the valley between the high misty mountains of the Shan Plateau and the Mekong and the Thanlwin Rivers. It is the home of the Gon Shan. the Akhas. the Lisu. the Wa and the white and black Lahu.
It was said that from 1243 A.D. to the last Sawbwa (the Chieftain) reign there were altogether 45 Sawbwas who ruled here. Although there are many ethnic majorities and mionorities living in this area having faith in different religions. Buddhism is the main religion of this area.
Kyaing Tong is reputed to be a very powerful city during its time. There is the famous Palin Gate in the city. There were tales saying tyhat one Sawbwa when ruling Kyaing Tong. was not able to go to the Dat San Lwe Pagoda because ther is a curse on them.
Popular places:
Lone Tree Hill - This is a Kanyin byu tree growing on top of the Soon Mun Hill on the outskirt of the city. It stands alone on the hill so that's how the name was given.
Nong Tong Lake - The lake lies in the centre of the city and was known that it covered the whole city once.
build Year established: n.a.
directions Directions:
place Location: Kyaing Tong, Shan State, Myanmar
local_phone Phone: n.a.
email Email: n.a.
public Website: n.a.
local_taxi Estimated taxi fare: n.a.
directions_bus Bus directions: n.a.
directions_railway Train directions: n.a.
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