
Inle Information

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Inle Information - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

Inle InformationInle Information

Area: 116.3 km²
Population: 150,000
Location: Latitude 20° 46' N, Longitude 97° 01' E
over 900 metres above sea level
Temperature: Min 12°C - Max 28°C


This vast lake is located in the heart of Shan State which shares borders with Thai & Laos. And it climbs up to over 900 metres above sea level and outrageously beautiful. Inle Lake is located in the mountains so it is cooler than other areas. More than 30 hill tribes are living in the mountains.

Inle Lake, natural and unpolluted, is famous for its scenic beauty and the unique leg rowing of the Inthas, the native lake dwellers. High hills rim the lake on both sides. The lakeshore and lake islands bear 17 villages on stilts, mostly inhabited by the Intha people.





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