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Mingun - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

mingun_mm.jpgMingun City

info Mingun is a town in Sagaing Division. Myanmar. located 11 km up the Ayeyarwady River from Mandalay.

monetization_on No entry fees

watch_later Operation hours: 24 hours

hourglass_full Time needed: Approximately 3 hour


The main attraction are

Mingun Pahtodawgyi - It is the ruined Mingun Paya. a Buddhist temple with the remains of a massive stupa begun by King Bodawpaya in 1790. If the constrution had been completed. it would have been the largest in the world at 150 meters. It was again damaged by 1838 earthquake.



Mingun Pahtodawgyi with the crack Mingun Pahtodawgyi or the Mingun Pagoda seen from the Ayeyarwaddy River.

Mingun Bell


King Bodawpaya has a gigantic bell cast to go with his huge stupa.

The Mingun Bell weighs 90 tons. or 55555 viss and is today the largest uncracked.

ringing bell in the world. Mingun Bell is situated right next to the Mingun Pahtodawgyi.

King Bodawpaya dedicated to construct a gigantic Pagoda. a gigantic bell and a

gigantic lion during his reign. But he was not able to complete the pagoda.


Mya Theindan Pagoda - It is also known as Hninbyume Pagoda because it was donated by the Hsinbyume Princess. who was one the Queen of King Bodawpaya. It is just next to the Pahtodawgyi.






build Year established: n.a.

directions Directions:

place Mingun. Sagaing Region

local_phone n.a.

email no email

public no web site

local_taxi Estimated taxi fare: n.a.

directions_bus Bus directions: n.a.

directions_railway Train directions: n.a.

map See map below:

help_outline Get a free quotation for a Myanmar tour to visit this place.

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SIN MINN. was established in 2007. a leading business conglomerate in Myanmar. has committed itself to conducting business in line with good corporate governance and sustainable development principles throughout 100 years.

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