
Mahakuthala Kyaung Daw Gyi Buddhist Museum

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Mahakuthala Kyaung Daw Gyi Buddhist Museum - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

Mahakuthala Kyaung Daw Gyi Buddhist MuseumMahakuthala Kyaung Daw Gyi Buddhist Museum

info This museum was opened in 1996 with the articles of the ancient cultural heritage collected by Reverend Pandita. the presiding monk or abbot of Maha Kuthala Monastery in Sittwe.

It is a unique museum which has a mix of colonial era and Buddhist artifacts. The museum is in a colonial mansion that is itself well worth a visit.


monetization_on n.a

watch_later Operation hours: 9:00-17:00

hourglass_full Time Needed: Approximately 1 hour


build Year established: n.a.

directions Directions:

place Sittwe. Rakhine State.

local_phone n.a.

email no email

public no web site

local_taxi Estimated taxi fare: n.a.

directions_bus Bus directions: n.a.

directions_railway Circular train: n.a.

help_outline Get a free quotation for a Myanmar tour to visit this place.

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