Important Telephone Numbers (Naypyitaw)
- Details
- Hits: 9530
Telephone Area Code : 067
Complaint Centre 106
Fax - 422106
Email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Post Box - 106 NAYPYITAW
Myanma Post and Telecommunication
Auto Exchange - 422222. 420111. 421111
Fault Complaint - 420100. 420000
Post Office - 420002
Car Rental Service
Myanmar Hotel & Touris - 406061
Lwin (Pyinmana) - 21247
High Way Express Bus & City Bus Lines
Aung Soe Moe High Way Express - 420211
Nan Htaik San High Way Express - 420209
Shwe Mann Thu High Way Express - 420208
Taw Win - 414318
Yoma High Way Express - 420210
Hotels. Motels & Inns
Aureum Palace Hotel & Resort - 414108
Myat Taw Win - 414141
Royal Kumudra Hotel - 414188
Shwe Aeit Thae - 414153
Shwe Myanmar - 414170
The Thingaha Hotel - 414123
Bank (Pyinmana)
CB Bank - 2202
Innwa Bank - 21172
Myawaddy Bank - 21851
Yoma Bank - 21132
Golf Course (Pyinmana)
Yaypyar - 21234
Restaurant (Pyinmana)
Aye Zin Aung - 21245
Aye Zin Aung - 21471. 22471
Sein - 22376
Sunday Mart (Naypyitaw) - 420255
Sunday Mart (Pyimana) - 22305
Princess Fashion - 21743
Fire Brigade
Naypyitaw Central Fire Station - 420005
Naypyitaw Fire Station - 414039. 414340. 414046
Pyinmana Fire Station - 22502
Le' Way Fire Station - 30374
Tet Kone Fire Station - 26139
Hospital & Clinic
Naypyitaw Hospital (Emergency) - 420096
Bo Clinic & Diagnostic Centre (Pyinmana) - 22731
Police Station 1 - 414224
Police Station 2 - 414226
Police Station 3 - 420105
Police Station 4 - 403201
Township Engineer - 414270
Power Station - 414235
Naypyitaw Airport (Aylar)
Naypyitaw Airport (Aylar) - 35104
Myanma Airways - 35108
Air Bagan - 35113
Railways - 22508