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Indonesia - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote


The Dutch began to colonize Indonesia in the early 17th century; the islands were occupied by Japan from 1942 to 1945. Indonesia declared its independence after Japan's surrender. but it required four years of intermittent negotiations. recurring hostilities. and UN mediation before the Netherlands agreed to relinquish its colony.

Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago state. Current issues include: alleviating widespread poverty. preventing terrorism. continuing the transition to popularly-elected governments after four decades of authoritarianism. implementing reforms of the banking sector. addressing charges of cronyism and corruption. holding the military and police accountable for human rights violations. and resolving armed separatist movements in Aceh and Papua.

Indonesia lies in South Eastern Asia. archipelago between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. The border countries are East Timor. Malaysia. and Papua New Guinea.


The country is enriched with natural resources such as petroleum. tin. natural gas. nickel. timber. bauxite. copper. fertile soils. coal. gold. and silver. The population is estimated about 241.973.879. The nationality is Indonesians. The main ethnic groups are Javanese 45%. Sundanese 14%. Madurese 7.5%. coastal Malays 7.5%. others 26%. The main religion is Muslim which is about 88% of the country. Others are Protestant 5%. Roman Catholic 3%. Hindu 2%. and Buddhist in small numbers. Bahasa Indonesia. the official modified form of Malay is the main language used. Javanese is also widely spoken. English. Dutch and other local dialects are accessible too. The currency is Indonesian Rupiah (IDR). The capital city is Jakarta.

Indonesia claimed the independence in 17 August 1945. The day is also marked as the Independence Holiday.


Bali and Java islands are the most famous places in Indonesia. The islands have stunning scenery; gentle sarong-clad people and sunsets of legendary glory. Komodo Island's or the 'living dinosaurs' and the entrancing 'sea gardens' of Suwalesi invite exploration. Borobudur's architectural treasures can be discovered too.

The Maluku Archipelago is made up of 1000 islands. many uninhabited and the rest so isolated from each other and (since the decline of the spice trade) from the outside world that each has its own culture and very often its own language.

Nusa Penida also attracts visitors to its dramatic seascapes and beaches. Komodo is home of the world's largest and rarest species of monitor lizard. while Sumba is noted for its beautiful Ikat cloth.


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