
General Information of Mandalay

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General Information of MandalayGeneral Information of Mandalay

info Founded at 1857

Founded by King Mindon 

Fell under British Colony at 1885

Mandalay (မန္တလေး) being the second largest capital of the State, in accordance with the times of building a peaceful, modernized and well developed new future State, emphasis has been given to enhance the role of information media.


The city dwellers can enjoy listening to the radio progammes broadcast by M.B.S and watching the TV channels of MRTV and the Myawaddy. The newspapers the Light of Myanmar and Kye Mon are published and distributed by the presses of Mandalay for Upper Myanmar.

City Development
Mandalay City Development Committee has organized Public Relations and Information Department, and has been increasing the momentum for the progress of the information media. Mandalay Daily is published as the Mandalay-centred, Upper Myanmar supporting media and representative media of the State. The Mandalay Daily Press is situated on 29th road between 73rd road and 74th road. Through this press media, the State Policies, and feature articles, as well as the objectives, performances, activities, information and feature articles about M.C.D.C, are presented to the public unfailingly and in time.

The Mandalay City Development Committee has published the pamphlets, namely, Mandalay City Profile, Mandalay City Map and Welcome to the Golden Palace City, which will inform the foreign visitors about interesting facts and functions of Mandalay. It is a press media which will send good news through foreign visitors to the World. Moreover, Mandalay Directory is published in both Myanmar and English Versions annually, which contain information about Mandalay City Map, offices, departments, organizations, factories and industries, companies, stores, markets and hospitals and clinics, businesses, location and phone numbers.

ICT Development
Mandalay ICT Development Corporation Ltd is located at Third Floor, Yadanarbon Zay in Mandalay. Mandalay ICT Development Corporation, a consortium of (50) local companies with the full support from the Government of the Union of Myanmar, initiated the Mandalay ICT Park project with the aim of creating an ICT hub for upper Myanmar.

It is part of the ICT master plan of Myanmar to stimulate the development of Myanmar ICT industry by attracting local and international partners to form a cluster of ICT - Related Business, supported by world-class infrastructure and technologies.


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