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Salay - 3.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote


info Salay (စလေ) is about 120km from Bagan to the south.

Kyauk Padaung and Chauk are the towns on the way to Salay from Bagan. It is a day-trip from Bagan. Salay is a popular place in Myanmar because it is the historic home of the famous Salay U Ponya, a Bagan Era writer/poet whose work are well-known all over the country.


monetization_on Entry Fees: n.a.

watch_later Operation hours: 8:00 - 18:00

hourglass_full Time needed: Approximately 3 hour


Major Attractions

Yokesone Kyaung - It is a 130 years old monastery with lots of Myanmar handicrafts and sculptures. Therefore known as Yokesone meaning "Many figures". The jatakas (the stories of Lord Buddha) and Ramayana tales are described in wooden sculptures.

Visit the famous monastery "Yoke-Sone-Kyaung" which is a cultural heritage site in Salay, which in situated on the eastern bank of the Ayeyarwaddy River. It is famous with its spectacular woodcarvings and also it is the native town of the famous writer Salay U Pone Nya during the time of the Myanmar Kings.



A little monk walking on Salay Monsatery



Wood carvings from Salay Monastery



The return from wedding of Jeiwata



Dragon shaped wood carving that you can see at Salay Monastery



A sculpture describing a few of the Buddha's 550 lives



The son of Richman Mahadana with drunkards



Bodhisatta, the merchant and King of Naga



The Buddha sojourned at the cave Geizagou mountain and was worshipped by the King and the people



A little monk reading book under Salay Monastery


build Year established: n.a.

directions Directions:

place Location: Salay, Magway Region, Myanmar

local_phone Phone: n.a.

email Email: n.a.

public Website: n.a.

local_taxi Estimated taxi fare: n.a.

directions_bus Bus directions: n.a.

directions_railway Train directions: n.a.

map See map below:

help_outline Get a free quotation for a Myanmar tour to visit this place.

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Myanmar AICHR

In line with the implementation of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD). particularly Article 28 (f). the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) organised the Workshop on Human Rights. Environment and Climate Change in Yangon. Myanmar on 13 to 15 September 2014.

The activity is in line with two out of seven priorities outlined by President U Thein Sein under the ASEAN Chairmanship of Myanmar.

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