Net Media
SIN MINN. was established in 2007. a leading business conglomerate in Myanmar. has committed itself to conducting business in line with good
corporate governance and sustainable development principles throughout 100 years.
Address: No. (Ma-24). (2-Ta). 67th Street and Aurora Street. Mandalay.
Tel: 02 78663. 78664. 62155. 09 2157615
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SIN MINN. was established in 2007. a leading business conglomerate in Myanmar. has committed itself to conducting business in line with good corporate governance and sustainable development principles throughout 100 years.
To raise professional competence of Mechanical Engineers.
To promote values of engineering, technology and it’s applications.
To promote CPD and training.
Introduce Codes & Standardizations.
Provide better growth and job opportunities for MEs.
To advance the status and role of MEs; and, to provide platform for ME to improve the technology and society.
Facilitate interaction between MEs and international societies (ASME and ICOMES, others).
To promote social interests of members.
Address: Roof top floor of MES Building, Universities Hlaing Compus, Hlaing Township.
Phone: (+959) 5197621, (+959) 73004042 ( Office )
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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