
Silver Rice

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Silver RiceSilver Rice

Sticky rice is not generally eaten as the main component of a complete meal with curry dishes and a soup.

In the highlands one may be served rice which is sticky. But this is not the sticky rice of the plains. It is rice which happens to contain a higher percentage of gluten than lowland varieties. Sticky rice in the lowlands is the basis for the creation of various snacks and desserts. A family of three kinds of sticky rice is made into snacks. Steamed sticky rice with peas is one kind. Sticky rice with oil made golden is another. Sticky rice with butter which retains its white colour is silver rice.

4 cups sticky white rice
4 ½ cups sugar
6 cups coconut milk
½ cup butter
1/3 cup grated cheese
½ tsp. salt
Steps to cook
Soak rice in water for 5 hours. Take out and steam till well-cooked. Take coconut milk and put in pot. Add sugar and salt. Boil till reduced to one-third of original volume. Add butter. Stir thoroughly till a whole lump is formed and bottom of pot is seen. Set aside. Butter a tray. Put rice in tray and wake surface even. Sprinkle cheese and make surface smooth again. Put in oven and bake at 150 C till surface is golden. Remove, cool and cut into pieces. Serve.

Mya Zin

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Myanmar AICHR

In line with the implementation of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD). particularly Article 28 (f). the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) organised the Workshop on Human Rights. Environment and Climate Change in Yangon. Myanmar on 13 to 15 September 2014.

The activity is in line with two out of seven priorities outlined by President U Thein Sein under the ASEAN Chairmanship of Myanmar.

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