
Egg Plant Curry

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Egg Plant CurryEgg Plant Curry

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The egg-plant is a bored Vegetable. It seems nothing good will come out of its slumberous ways. But not so. once at an exhibition in West Africa a thousand recipes were offered.

Here is presented a simple one to show its simple character


3 big egg-plants
2 onions to make 1 cup crushed
2 table spoons cooked oil
1 teaspoon sugar
Steps to cook
1. Pinch of salt to taste.

2. Heat egg-plants over charcoal till skin is brown.

3. Remove skin and cut egg-plant into small pieces.

4. Put the cut egg-plant into a bowl. Add oil. sugar. salt. Mix well.

Sometimes. it is also delicious to cook the eggplant with coconut milk.

Khin Mya Hlaing

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