
Zalun Pyi-Taw- Pyan Buddha Image Festival

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Zalun Pyi-Taw- Pyan Buddha Image Festival - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

Zalun Pyi-Taw- Pyan Buddha Image FestivalZalun Pyi-Taw- Pyan

Photo Credit - www.shwemyanmar.info

    The colonialists who had occupied lower Myanmar took this Buddha Image to England with the intention of using the bronze in their mint.

According to legend they could neither melt it nor break it with hammers. and the Queen was said to have suffered nagging headache and nightmares. She ordered that the statue be returned to the place from where it was taken. After sending back it to Myanmar. she recovered from the suffering. In memory of its having been taken abroad and having been brought back. it became famous as the Man Aung Myin Pyitawpyan Buddha Image (the statue that was returned from abroad).

Date : 8th Waxing To Full Moon Day of Tabaung

Location : Zalun. Ayeyawady Region

Duration : 8 days

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