
Shwezigon Pagoda Festival

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Shwezigon Pagoda FestivalShwezigon Pagoda Festival

Photo Credit - www.yangonlife.com.mm

Myanmar is known as "The Land of Pagodas" the world over in light of the fact that each and every town and town has no less than one pagoda. There are additionally numerous pagoda celebrations in each town or town consistently. In this article. I might want to present Shwezigon Pagoda celebration.

The Shwezigon Pagoda Festival happens in the residential area of Nyaung Oo. which is arranged on the north side of Bagan. It is held amid Tazaungmone. the eight month of the Myanmar Calendar. which falls in October or November of every year. Shwezigon Pagoda is a standout amongst the most renowned pagodas in Bagan and its celebration draws in pioneers from all through the nation. It was worked by King Anawrahta and finished in 1102 AD. amid the rule of King Kyansittha of the Bagan Dynasty. The pagoda is holy since it is accepted to cherish a bone and tooth of Buddha. The pagoda itself is a chime formed stupa that is customary Mon structural style.

This Festival is one of the liveliest pagoda celebrations in Central Myanmar. a blend between Buddhist service. reasonable and nation commercial center. The two local people and remote guests appreciate strolling round the nourishment slows down. investigating shops offering nearby items. and purchasing gifts. This is likewise an extraordinary time to purchase Myanmar customary lacquerware and handiworks.

Like other pagoda celebrations in Bagan. there are enchantment appears. manikin shows. and dramatic shows et cetera. Customary plays are performed on little stages delineating various stories from both the Buddhist religion and the old animist spirits that are frequently still worshiped by the general population of Myanmar. There are additionally Zatpwe (an assortment of moves. melodies. short and long plays) and Anyeint (an execution of a couple of hours in which various jokers exaggeration current circumstances or a man hung together by a customary artist). and mainstream motion pictures are appeared in outside theaters.

On full moon day. candles and firecrackers are offered to the pagoda and conveyed in huge parades. Aid bowls are offered to the priests of the close-by cloisters and the pioneers offer blossoms. incense sticks and water at the pagoda and give cash. The celebration goes on for more than two weeks and the correct dates fluctuate every year. contingent on the Myanmar Calendar.

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