
Popa Guardian Spirits Festival

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Popa Guardian Spirits Festival - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

Popa Guardian Spirits FestivalPopa Guardian Spirits Festival

Photo Credit - www.gogostartravels.com

This Spirits festival begins full moon day of Nadaw. During six days festival. the two spirit figures on either side of the Tharaba Gate at Bagan are the brother and sister spirits lord of the Mountain and the Lady Golden Face who protect home or country.

A festival takes place at Mount Popa. near Bagan in their honour.

It is one of the famous pagoda festivals in Yangon Region. The activities of Pagoda festival are reciting the holy-scriptures 24 hours continuously throughout the festivals by monks. offering provisions and articles to monks. celebrating festivities and performing with evening entertainments such as Zat (Drama). Stage Show and Movies.

Dates : 8th Waxing to Full Moon Day of Nadaw
Location : North Okkalapa Township. Yangon Region
Duration : 8 days



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